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Be a lady

Hello girls and maybe boys!
Have you ever felt that you want to look more glamurous and sexy? Yes, sure you did! I noticed that many of my posts were casual or boho style. So, I wanted to show you my elegant and glamurous style in this post and the next one. Thanks to my dear cousin I manage to get a great location for the photos. Emina had some trouble with shooting because the building hasn't the best light. But we did it! We made some good photos. I would be really happy if you can see the photos and comment your opinion below.

Zdravo cure, a možda i dečki!
Da li ste ikada htjele biti glamurozne i seksi? Da, naravno da jeste! Primjetila sam da je većina mojih postova u ležernom i boho stilu. Tako, da sam ovaj put htjela pokazati moj elegantan i glamurozan stil, baš kao što ću uraditi u sljedećem postu. Zavhaljujući mojoj dragoj rođakinji uspjela sam naći odličnu lokaciju za ove slike. Emina je imala male poteškoće sa slikanjem jer zgrada nije imala najbolje svijetlo. Ali uspjele smo! Napravile smo par dobrih slika. Bila bih veoma sretna kada bi pogledali slike i komentarisali vaše osobno mišljenje.  

Today's online shop is one of my favourites. It's ZAFUL. I already had some posts about it. You can find them on my blog for more information. You will see I always say the same: It's great! This time I get from ZAFUL this beautiful unique fur coat. I wanted a mix of colors on coat (not just one-colored fur coat like most of the girls from my town) so I have ordered this one. Do you like it? I love it! It has such a good quality. I was amazed when I saw that the hair on it won't fall out. Also it's warm. A fur coat is a ''must have'' thing in you closet because it goes so well with elegant and glamurous styles, more than an ordinary coat. With the coat I ordered this top. Also I was suprised how much the quality is good. The material alone makes the top beautiful. It's similiar to silk. I needed a top like this, so I ordered it. I thought that it's only for casual styles, but it's not. See? ZAFUL, remember this name and shop. It has always the new trends, also it is very nice and the delivery is fast without any problems.
Skirt, pumps and bag are from Shein. Also one of the good online shops. The skirt has a low quality., but you can combine it with the right things like me. The only problem is, because of the slippery material it goes up and it's annoying to get it down every 3-4 minutes. The bag is just a normal bag which you saw maybe on other shops or on some photos on the Internet. It's nice and very glamurous. When I have a crisis which bag is good to my style, I always choose this one which helps me to pump my style up. Pumps are so beautiful but it's so hard to walk in them. I wore them once and they killed me just as my night out. I think I will sell them. Oh, yeah. The Neklace is also from Shein. You know I love eye catching things and you see this necklace rocks. It makes my outfit complete.

Današnji online shop je jedan od mojih omiljenih. To je ZAFUL. Imala sam već nekoliko postova o njemu. Možete ih pronaći na mom blogu za više informacija. Viditi ćete da uvijek kažem isto: Odličan je! Ovaj put sam od ZAFUL-a dobila ovaj prelijepi krzneni kaput. Želila sam mješavinu boja na kaputu ( ne samo obični jednobojni krzneni kaput kao što većina cura ima ), tako da sam naručila ovaj. Sviđa li vam se? Volim ga! Ima tako dobar kvalitet. Zadivljena sam kako dlačice ne spadaju sa njeg. Također je topao. Krzneni kaput je must-have stvar u vašem ormaru, jer ide dobro uz glamurozan i elegantan stil više nego običan kaput. Sa kaputom sam naručila ovaj top. Također sam bila iznenađenda kada sam vidjela kako je kvalitet dobar. Sam materijal čini top prelijepim. Sličan je svili. Trebao mi je ovakav top, pa sam ga i naručila. Mislila sam da je samo za ležeran stil, ali nije. Vidite? ZAFUL, zapamtite ime i trgovinu. Ima uvijek nove trendove i također su uvijek fini i pošta je brza bez problema.
Suknja, salonke i torba su iz Shein-a. Također jedna od boljih online trgovina. Suknja ima loš materijal, ali je možete kombinovati sa pravim stvarima kao ja. Jedini problem je klizavi materijal zbog kojeg se skunja diže i iritantno je spuštati je svake 3-4 minute. Torba je obična i vjerovatno ste je viđali u drugim trgovinama ili na slikama internetu. Lijepa je i glamurozna. Kada imam krizu koja torba ide bolje uz moj outfit, uvijek izaberem ovu jer mi pomaže uljepšati moj look. Salonke su tako lijepe, ali je teško hodati u njima. Jednom sam ih obula i uništile su mi izlazak kao i samu mene. Mislim da ću ih prodati. Oh, da. Lančić je također iz Shein-a. Znate da volim upadljive stvari i vidite da je ovaj lančić upravo takav. Čini moj outfit kompletnim.

Remember girls, you can be glamorous even without special clothing. It depends on your attitude and confidence. If it's bad, then make it good! I know very well that every girl has a beautiful side, they just need to show it. 

Wish you all the best and see you soon!


Zapamtite cure da uvijek možete biti glamurozne i bez specijalne odjeće. To zavisi od vašeg stava i samopouzdanja. Ako vam je loše, možete ga učiniti boljim! Znam veoma dobro da je svaka cura prelijepa na svoj način, samo to treba pokazati.

Želim vam sve najbolje i vidimo se uskoro!


Photographer ( Fotograf ) Emina Avdić

Fur Coat (Krzneni kaput)- ZAFUL
Skirt (Suknja)- Shein
Bag (Torba)- Shein (Sold out- Rasprodana)
Pumps (Salonke)- Shein (Sold out- Rasprodane)
Necklace (Lančić)- Shein (Sold out- Rasprodan)


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