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Black Angel

Hello again,
How are you? Here is the post I've told you about. Elegant and glamorous like the post before. The name ''Black Angel'' of this post is thanks to the dress I wear, but you will see why on the end of the post. After this post I will  make some casual style posts. I wanted to take some photos yesterday, but the weather said no. It started to snow. Great and I just wanted to start wearing sneakers and leather jackets. For your information  I also finished my exams so I will be more active now. Enough talk about me. I hope you will enjoy the photos and the look.

Kako ste? Evo posta o kome sam vam pričala. Elegantan i glamurozan kao prošli. Ime posta ''Crni anđeo'' je nastao zahvaljujući mojoj haljini koju nosim, ali vidjeti ćete na kraju zašto. Poslije ovog posta, početi ću sa ležernim stilom. Htjela sam se jučer slikati, ali vrijeme je reklo ne. Počeo je padati snijeg. Sjajno, baš sam htjela početi nositi patike i kožne jakne. Za vašu informaciju također sam završila sa ispitima tako da ću biti više aktivna. Dosta priče o meni. Nadam se da ćete uživati u slikama i mom izgledu.

As I said in the begining, the name of the post is because of the dress. Go on the last photos and you will see why. The dress is from ZAFUL. The last post was also about them ( ''Be a lady''). You know the girls rule that every girl must have a black dress in her closet, well this is mine. I have some others but from now on this is my favourite. The most amazing part of the dress is on the back. The black wings! You know how I'm crazy about wings. When I saw the dress I just said this is the one I want. My photographer was also in love with it. The quality is good and you don't have to worry about the bra because you don't have to wear one. The dress has a bra inside itself. Great,isn't it? I ordered a jumpsuit too, but it hasn't been delivered yet. When it arrives I will make a post about it. Everything I got from ZAFUL has good quality and it's worth the money. I've got the pumps long ago and I forgot from which website , but I just found out that ZAFUL has the same ones. I can tell you these are the best pumps ever. It's easy to walk on them and they are really beautiful.
I think your eyes went to the fur coat. Did they? Yes, the fur coat is relly beautiful and unique. It's from Shein. I ordered it because of the colorful fur. The material is great and the hair won't fall out. The fur is not so thick, it's more thin and for warmer nights outs.That's just great because it's not so cold anymore and I can wear it little more till the spring. Next to the coat I have this bag and necklace form Shein. I ordered them long ago and I used them so much since then. Their quality is good like on the day I've got them.  Shein has the same heels, but in another color. I really like these too (click here), the color is great. I want to order them someday. My best friend has the same ones and I always say ''Soo beautiful!'' with a look in my eyes which says ''I want them!''

Kao što sam rekla na početku, ime posta je zbog haljine. Pogledajte zadnje slike i znati ćete zašto. Haljina je od ZAFUL-a. Zadnji post je bio također o njima ( ''Budi dama''). Znate pravilo da cure moraju imati crnu haljinu u svom ormaru. Tako, da je ova moja. Imam i druge, ali od sada mi je ova najdraža. Najbolji dio haljine je pozadi. Crna krila! Znate da ludim za krilima. Kada sam vidjela haljinu, rekla sam ovo je haljina koju želim. Također moja fotografikinja se zaljubila u nju. Kvalitet joj je odličan i ne morate brinuti za grudnjak, jer haljina ima u sebi ugrađen grudnjak. Sjajno, zar ne? Naručila sam i kombinezon, ali nije još stigao. Kada dođe napravit ću post o njemu. Sve što sam naručila iz ZAFUL-a je kvalitetno i vrijedno dati novac za to. Dobila sam štikle nekada davno, ali sam zaboravila sa koje stranice sam ih naručila. Upravo sam vidjela da ZAFUL ima iste. Mogu vam reći da su ove štikle najbolje ikada. Lako je u njima hodati i veoma su lijepe.
Mislim da vam je pogled skrenuo prvo na krzneni kaput. Zar ne? Da, kaput je stvarno prelijep i unikatan. Iz Shein-a je. Naručila sam ga zbog boje. Materijal je divan i dlačice ne ispadaju. Krzno nije toliko debelo, više je tanko što i nije loše, jer ga mogu nositi kada su toplije noći, prije proljeća. Pored kaputa, imam torbu i lančić iz Shein-a. Naručila sam ih davno i koristila sam ih mnogo. Kvalitet im je dobar kao na dan kada sam ih tek dobila. Shein ima iste štilkle, ali u drugoj boji. Stvarno mi se sviđaju i ove ( kliknite ovdje). Boja je divna. Želim ih nekada naručiti. Moja najbolja prijateljica ima iste i uvijek kažem ''Jesu lijepe!'' sa pogledom koji kaže ''Želim ih!'' 

That was everything for today. I would be happy if I saw some of your comments. 

Have a beautiful day!

To je sve za danas. Bila bih jako sretna kada bih vidjela vaše komentare.

Želim vam lijep dan!

Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdić

Fur coat (Krzneni kaput) - Shein (Sold out- Rasprodan)
Dress (Haljina) - ZAFUL
Bag (Torba) - Shein (Sold out- Rasprodana)
Necklace (Lančić) - Shein (Sold out- Rasprodan)
Pumps (Štikle) - ZAFUL
Pumps/other color (Štikle/druga boja) - Shein


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