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Hello everyone! 
The Spring is coming. The snow melted and the flowers are showing up already. Today was such a beautiful day and I went out with my niece (Yes, I'm auntie). I've got the idea to make her my model for the Born Pretty Store jewelry review. She was so happy and couldn't wait to take the photos. The sun is the reason why she looks angry in the photos, but she is adorable. She also helped me and had a great idea to put the white flowers like a decoration around the jewelry. She's really the cutest model ever. By the was, her name is Sara.

Zdravo svima.
Proljeće dolazi. Snijeg se otopio i cvijeće je počelo rasti. Danas je bio veoma lijep dan, pa sam izašla sa bratovom kćerkom napolje (Da, tetka sam). Dobila sam ideju da je napravim svojim modelom za recenziju nakita iz Born Pretty Store-a. Bila je jako sretna i nije mogla čekati da se slika. Sunce je krivo što na nekim slikama izgleda ljuta, ali je opet divna. Također je pomogla i imala sjajnu ideju da poredamo cvijeće kao dekoraciju oko nakita. Stvarno je najslađi model ikada. Usput, njeno ime je Sara.

So, Born Pretty Store. Thanks to my little diamond Sara, you can see how beautiful the jewelry is. For this time I wanted classic jewelry that I can wear on formal occasions. I ordered the earrings and the set of the two rings because they look good together. The diamonds are so shiny. I wasn't the type of person that would wear diamonds or some other gemstone, but after I've got this I just loved how it looks good on some outfits. Also there is the necklace as well. It's so cute. At first I thought it was a snowflake, but I saw today it's a flower. Perfect for the spring time. I love it how this cute necklace became even more cuter on Sara. Also, you know that I love bird's wings and so you won't miss here some winged jewelery too. This time I ordered winged earrings. Their black color is great because I can combine them with everything. I wore them 2 or 3 times before this post and I saw how some girls were looking at them. I hope you like the jewelry this time. Visit Born Pretty Store for more. They also have other stuff for nails for example.

Born Pretty Store. Zahvaljujući mom malom dijamantu Sari, možete vidjeti kako je nakit prelijep. Ovaj put sam izabrala nakit klasičnog stila kojeg mogu nositi u elegantnom izdanju. Naručila sam naušnice i set od dva prstena jer se uklapaju dobro zajedno. Dijamanti su tako sjajni. Nisam bila tip osobe koja bi nosila dijamante ili drugo drago kamenje, ali poslije, kada sam dobila ovo, svidjelo mi se kako izgleda super uz outfit-e. Također, tu je i lančić. Sladak je. Prvo sam mislila da je na njemu pahuljica, ali danas sam vidjela da je cvjetić. Odlično za proljetno vrijeme. Volim kako slatki lančić postane još slađi kada je na slatkoj osobi poput Sare. Takođe, znate da volim krila od ptice i tako i ovaj put neće nedostajati neki nakit sa detaljima krila. Ovaj put sam naručila naušnice sa tim detaljima. Njihova crna boja i čini odličnim za kombinovanje sa svime. Nakon par nošnji, shvatila sam da privlače pozornost. Nadam se da vam se sviđa nakit ovaj put. Za više, posjetite Born Pretty Store. Imaju i druge stvari poput setova za uređivanje noktiju. 

I will be back soon with an outfit post again. 
Wish you a great day.

Vraćam se uskoto sa novim outfit postom opet.
Želim vam divan dan.

Earrings 1 (Naušnice 1)- BPS
Earrings 2 (Naušnice 2)- BPS
Necklace (Lančić)- BPS
Rings (Prstenovi)- BPS


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