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Longing for spring

 '' Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.''

While I was sitting there on my desk, listening to the rain that slowly announces spring, I was thinking to myself how I miss those warm days outside, with all the blooming flowers. Next to summer, spring is my favorite season. When spring arrives and the flowers go into full bloom, my heart fills with joy and happiness. I'm definitely more happy in summer and spring, than fall and winter. Spring shows us what beauty is after all those cold days, where all flowers and trees die out and disappears. After hard days come better ones. That's the cycle, not only for the seasons, but for us humans in general. Everything happens for a reason. Even those hard days, so we are able to cherish the good ones after. Sometimes it's hard and we can't escape those dark thoughts, but no matter how negative they are, as long as there is hope we will make it through it. Life teaches us a lot of things, but the one thing it tries to teach us the most is love. A lot of us don't actually know what true love is. A good friend of mine once told me that, and at that time i did catch myself being stunned and trying to realize if i actually knew what true love is. He explained love to me throughout his own experience, which I can't mention here at the moment for private reasons. But after that I realized I looked at the world slightly different. I started seeing love in everything and started giving more meaning to things around me. And no matter how much you try to understand love, sometimes things happen, where only then you realized, what you actually love and care about. Of course love is connected to family, but only when something really bad happens, you realize how much you love your family. That happened to me and now I don't search for love in a partner. Because I realized I already have that love. I have my family. Of course I will still fell and find love in a partner, with who I will spend the rest of my life with. But for now, which is most important, I'm surrounded by love. My family is there for me and stronger than ever. Which won't stay like that forever. Nothing lasts forever. That's why you should appreciate every moment we have now.

Sjedeći tako uz svoj radni sto i osluškujući kroz prozor kišu koja najavljuje da se proljeće bliži, razmišljam kako sam poželjela tople dane vani, sa cvijećem i beharom. Poslije ljeta, proljeće mi je omiljeno godišnje doba. Kada proljeće nastane i cvijeće bude u punom cvatu, mene u srcu obliju toplota i radost. Srećnija sam tokom proljeća i ljeta, nego tokom jeseni i zime. Proljeće pokazuje koja ljepota i sreća dolaze poslije hladnih dana, gdje svo cvijeće i lišće umire i nestane, da bi  se ponovo u proljeće rodilo i cvjetalo ljepše nego ikad. Taj prelaz i mi često imamo. Poslije teških dana, dođu bolji. To je ciklus ne samo prirodnih pojava, nego i samog čovjeka. Sve se dešava sa razlogom, pa čak i hladni i teški dani i trebamo da se radujemo onome što dolazi poslije. Ponekad bude to teško i ne možemo izbjeći negativne misli, ali koliko god negativnih bilo, dok ima nade i jedna pozitivna stvar, prebroditi će se i najteži dani. Život nas uči o mnogim stvarima, ali ono što najviše želi od nas da naučimo, jeste ljubav. Mi ljudi, većina nas, ne znamo zapravo šta je prava ljubav. Jednom mi je jedan dobar prijatelj ovo rekao i u tom trenutku sam baš stala i probala shvatiti da li znam šta je to prava ljubav. Objasnio mi je vrijednost ljubavi kroz svoj lični primjer, koji ne bi da ovdje napišem, jer je to privatno, ali poslije njegovog objašnjenja i te primjedbe, da ne zamo šta je prava ljubav, počela sam primjećivati dosta stvari oko sebe. Počela sam primjećivati ljubav u svemu i počela sam davati značaj mnogim stvarima, što bi neko mislio da je besmisleno. Opet, ma koliko promjenila perspektivu ljubavi, misleći da je shvatam, desi vam se nešto dodatno u životu, gdje vidite gdje je vaša prava ljubav. Naravno ljubav je povezana sa porodicom, to je onako logično, da se ne mora spominjati, ali kada se nešto desi u porodici, shvatite zapravo koliko je ta ljubav velika i ima duboke korijene. Meni se to dogodilo, i više ne potražujem pravu ljubav u nekom momku očekujući da je osjetim. Ja je već imam, svoju porodicu. Naravno biti će i te ljubavi kada nađem i partnera s kojim ću provesti ostatak života, ali u sadašnjem trenutku, koji je najbitniji, ja sam okružena ljubavlju. Porodica je tu, kompletna i jača nego ikad, što jednog dana neće biti. Što je danas, neće biti isto sutra. Ništa nije vječno, zato treba cijeniti ono što sad imamo. 

You’ve probably noticed the canva print I’m holding in my hands. That print inspired me for this post. As you can see, it contains branches with behar and birds that rejoice in fragrant flowers. Because of it, I started thinking about spring and got an idea of ​​how to use it for this post. I got it as a gift from PHOTOWALL and I wanted to show it's beauty in a way that was the opposite of what was expected. Probably no one advertised the site's print in the woods, nor did the site expect this. I will let you know it's impressions. I don't think it will take many words of praise, because you can see in the pictures how beautiful and high quality the canva print is. It is made of solid canva which I like a lot. For me personally, canva prints without a frame on the wall are more beautiful than prints with a frame. They are more artistic to me. When I got this print, I had to make its construction myself, which was very interesting to me. The canva has wooden frames to tighten and be like in the pictures, and the material I got to make that frame is very high quality. At the end of the post, I will post a video of how it's made. It was a very difficult decision for me when choosing an image, because PHOTOWALL has a lot of choices. Every print has something magical. You can also find all kind of styles, and in addition to canva prints, the site also offers decorative wallpapers. If I didn’t already have wallpaper in my room, I would probably order one. The site offers you to upload a picture yourself. You can choose one that you like and they will make it for you like mine. You can also choose the dimensions of the prints and wallpapers and adjust them to your wall. As for the ordering process, PHOTOWALL is a very professional site, which offers a normal and fast way of delivery. Shipping to Europe is free. Isn't that great! If you are renovating your house, I warmly recommend this site, because it's reliable and safe. As a gift from the site for my followers, I received a 25% discount code, which you can use when ordering: beautifulbloombyamra25 (be sure to write in lower case). I am thrilled and I hope you will be too.

Vjerovatno ste primjetili sliku koju držim u rukama. Ta slika me je inspirisala za ovaj post. Kao što vidite, sadrži grane sa beharom i ptice koje se raduju mirisnim cvjetovima. Zbog nje sam počela razmišljati o proljeću i dobila ideju kako da je upotrijebim za ovaj post. Dobila sam je na poklon od stranice PHOTOWALL i željela sam da pokažem njenu ljepotu na način suprotnog od očekivanog. Vjerovatno joj niko nije izreklamirao sliku u šumi, niti je očekivala ovo. Javiti ću vam njene utiske. Mislim da neće biti potrebno mnogo riječi pohvale, jer vidite na slikama koliko je slika prelijepa i kvalitetna. Napravljena je od čvrstog platna što mi se mnogo sviđa. Meni lično su ljepše slike od platna bez okvira na zidu, nego slike sa okvirom. Zrače mi više umjetnički. Kada sam dobila ovu sliku, morala sam njenu konstrukciju sama napraviti, što mi je bilo mnogo zanimljivo. Platno ima drvene okvire kako bi se steglo i bilo ovako kao na slici, i materijal koji sam dobila da taj okvir napravim je mnogo kvalitetan. Na kraju posta ću vam postaviti video kako se pravi. Bila mi je mnogo teška odluka pri izboru slike, jer imaju mnogo izbora na stranici PHOTOWALL. Svaka slika ima nešto čarobno. Takođe, možete naći slike svih stilova, a pored slika stranica nudi i ukrasne tapete. Da nemam već tapetu u svojoj sobi, vjerovatno bi naručila jednu. Nude da i sami napravite sliku. Možete izabrati neku koja vam se sviđa i oni će vam je napraviti kao moju. Takođe možete sami da izaberete dimenzije slika i tapeta i prilagodite ih svom zidu. Što se tiče procesa naručivanja, PHOTOWALL je mnogo profesionalna stranica, koja nudi normalan i brzi način dostave. Dostava za Evropu je besplatna. Zar nije sjajno?! Ukoliko sređujete kuću, toplo vam preporučujem ovu stranicu, jer je pouzdana i sigurna. Kao poklon od stranice za moje pratitelje, dobila sam kod za popust od 25%, koji možete iskoristiti pri narudžbi: beautifulbloombyamra25 (obavezno napišite malim slovima). Ja sam oduševljena i nadam se da ćete i vi biti. 

Photographer - @modricevaa/@3___m.aa

Canva Print from PHOTOWALL (Instagram - @photowall_sweden)

Hairband - @ww.onderland.dsgn


  1. Spring is delayed here. It's cold in here. But I'm really looking forward to it.

    Those photos are beautiful.


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