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Happy New Year !

Happy New Year!
 Okay, it’s still one day until New Year, but I will just say it now. This is the post I was telling you about. A New Year’s post. This year was full of sad, good, and happy moments. I hope that the next one will be better than this one. As you can see I have a partner this time. It's my dear friend Benjamin, who came to Tuzla where I live to be my partner and a good helper even if he was too late. I wanted to kill him, but now when I see how everything looks, I'm not mad anymore. Benjamin had two outfits he wanted to show you and he really tried his best with it. Here you have his Facebook and Instagram. Ladies, he is single. Also I want to thank my great photographer Emina for her time and great photos. I hope we will make great photos in the upcoming year as well.

Sretna Nova Godina!
Dobro, ima još jedan dan do Nove Godine, ali ja ću vam sada čestitati. Ovo je post o kome sam vam govorila. Novogodišnji post. Ova godina je bila puna tužnih, dobrih i sretnih momenata. Nadam se da će iduća biti bolja od ova. Kako vidite, ovaj put imam partnera. Moj dragi prijatelj Benjamin došao je u Tuzlu gdje ja stanujem da bude moj partner i odlična pomoć iako je kasnio. Htjela sam ga ubiti, ali sada kada vidim kako sve izgleda, nisam više ljuta. Benjamin je imao dvije kombinacije koje vam je htio pokazati i stvarno se maksimalno potrudio. Ovdje su njegov Facebook i Instagram. Dame, slobodan je. Takođe želim se zahvaliti mom divnom fotografu tj., fotografkinji Emini za njezino izdvojeno vrijeme za nas i za divne slike. Nadam se da ćemo napraviti divne slike i u ovoj nadolazećoj godini.

Here is the Shein dress. I love it! It's great and as you see very, very lovely with its shoulder off style. I love the color too. The material is amazing. I was thinking it would be a bad material,but no, it's so nice. I don't need to tell you anything more about the dress because you can see it all in the photos. I really love it !!! The black bag is also from Shein. It's great because of its print and the material has a great quality. I wore it three times till now and all I hear about it is how amazing it is. Also the bag doesn't go quite well with my style now so I took some pictures apart the style so you can focus on the bag. The coat is from their website as well. I like it and it gave me idea to have partner for this post because as you can see Benjamin has a similar coat too. The earrings are also from Shein. They are very elegant and perfect for this outfit. One more thing. You have to go and see Shein's website. You will fall in love with every item they have.
 High heels are from Rose Wholesale and they’re very unique and beautiful as you can see. I fell in love with them as soon as I saw them. Those flowers make them really attractive and special. The glitter bag is from Ebay. Also great website for shopping.

Evo Shein haljine. Volim je! Divna je kako vidite i veoma lijepa sa ovim stilom spuštenih ramena. Volim njezinu boju takođe. Materijal je odličnog kvaliteta. Mislila sam da će biti loš, ali nije, tako je lijep. Nema potrebe da vam više išta govorim za haljinu jer sve možete da vidite na slikama. Stvarno je volim !!! Crna torba je takođe iz Shein-a. Divna je zbog svojih šara i materijal ima odličan kvalitet. Nosila sam je tri puta do sada i sve što sam čula za nju jeste kako je prelijepa. Takođe torba ne ide baš uz ovaj moj stil, ali sam uradila nekoliko slika posebno za nju kako bi se fokusirali na nju. Kaput je sa njihove stranice takođe. Sviđa mi se i dao mi je ideju da imam partnera za ovaj post jer kako vidite Benjamin ima sličan kaput. Naušnice su isto sa Shein-a. Veoma su elegantne i odlične za ovaj outfit. Još jedva stvar, morate posjetiti Shein stranicu. Zaljubit ćete se u svaku stvar koju imaju.
Štikle su iz Rose Wholesale-a iveoma su unikatne i lijepe kako vidite. Zaljubila sam se u njih čim sam ih vidjela. Ti cvijetići ih čine veoma atraktivnim i specijalnim. Sjajna torba je iz Ebay-a, takođe dobra stranica za šoping.

I hope you like this post. Make sure to write some comments and tell me what will you wear for New Year's Eve?

Wish you a great day,

Nadam se da vam se sviđa ovaj post. Napišite mi svoje komentare i šta ćete vi obući za Novu Godinu?

Želim vam ugodan dan,

Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdić
Partner (Partner) Benjamin Abdulahović

Dress (Haljina) - Shein
Coat (Kaput) - Shein
Black bag (Crna torba) - Shein
Earrings (Naušnice) - Shein
Glitter bag (Sjajna tobra) - Ebay
Heels (Štikle) - Rose Wholesale


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