Snow, where are you?
I can't wait for the snow anymore. The white cover on the ground,trees,hosues... White cover with a billion diamonds in it that sparkle every day. Yeah, it might be cold outside when it snows, but I love how people combine beautiful outfists even though it’s cold outside. I just get so inspired and you will see that in the future posts after it finally snows.
Sniježe, gdje si?
Jedva čekam da padne snijeg. Bijeli prekrivač na zemlji, drveću, kućama... Bijeli prekrivač sa milion dijamanata koji sijaju svaki dan. Da, možda je hladno napolju, ali volim kako ljudi kombinuju prelijepe outfite iako je hladno. Dobijem toliko inspiracije koju ćete vidjeti na postovima kada snijeg padne.
My dears, I'm so happy. This is my third colaboration with the online store GAMISS. I said everything about them in the two of my previous posts ''Autumn Spirit'' and ''Stripes lover''. I will tell you once again: They are really great and fair! I love their items. The prices are really great and the quality is great as well. This time I got my package in two and a half weeks, which is really quick. I’m wearing GAMISS Trench Coat which looks more like a blazer to me. My favourite color is red, so I’ve loved this coat(blazer) from the moment I saw it. Also a great piece for casual and elegant styles. I've got boots to fit with it. They are really an eye chatch. I just love them.The gold bracelet and the earrings are form GAMISS too. Great accessories for this outfit. The blouse is from Choise, which I ordered 2-3 years ago. I don't know if the store still exists now. I bought jeans and the bag here by myself. I hope you like how I combined everything.
Moje drage, tako sam sretna. Ovo je moja treća suradnja sa online trgovinom GAMISS. O njima sam vam sve rekla u mojim prošlim postovima ''Jesenji duh'' i ''Ljubitelj pruga''. Reći ću vam opet: Stvarno su sjajni i pošteni! Volim njihove stvari. Cijena je divna kao i kvalitet. Ovog puta sam dobila paket za dvije i po sedmice, vrlo brzo. Na meni je GAMISS kaput koji mi više liči na sako. Moja omiljena boja je crvena, tako da sam odmah zavoljela ovaj kaput(sako). Također divan komad za casual i elegantne stilove. Sa njim sam dobila ove čizme. Baš upadaju u oči. Jednostavno ih volim. Također, zlatna narukvica i naušnice su od GAMISS-a. Odlični detalji za ovaj outfit. Košulja je od Choies-a, koju sam naručila prije 2-3 godine. Ne znam da li još uvijek postoji ta online trgovina. Hlače i torbu sam kupila ovdje kod sebe. Nadam se da vam se sviđa kako sam sve iskombinovala.
Photographs by Emina Avdić
Coat/Blazer (Kaput/Sako)- GAMISS
Boots (Čizme)- GAMISS
Earrings (Naučnice)- GAMISS
Bracelet (Narukvica)- GAMISS
Top (Majica)- Choies
Jeans/Bag (Hlače/Torba)- Local store
So, what do you think about this outfit?
I, šta mislite o ovome outfitu?
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