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It's cold...

How are you? I'm so sorry for not posting so long. I have many exams and other stuff to do. I hope you understand. So what are you doing these days before Christmas and New Year? I'm boring! It's already winter but there is no snow. I'm really sad because I wanted to make a really good winter post with all the sparkles and snow. Also, it's so cold outside. It was really hard for me and for my photographer to shoot these photos . She was freezing only by looking at me in the dress and the short jacket. Yes, it was cold for me, but I thought it's going to be colder, so I'm happy it wasn't. 

Kako ste? Mnogo mi je žao što dugo nisam ništa objavljivala. Imam mnogo ispita i drugih stvari da radim. Nadam se da razumijete. I, šta radite ovih dana prije Božića i Nove godine? Ja učim...tako dosadno! Već je zima, ali nema nigdje snijega. Veoma sam tužna, jer sam željela da napravim dobar zimski post sa svim tim blistanjem i snijegom. Takođe je veoma hladno. Meni i mojoj fotografkinji je bilo teško dok smo pravile ove fotografije. Ona se smrzavala gledajući me u haljini i kratkoj jakni. Da, bilo mi je hladno, ali opet ne toliko koliko sam mislila da će biti, tako da sam sretna što nije.

What’s the first thing you notice about the outfit? The boots maybe? I hope that you notice them first. I've got them from ZAFUL and they are so trendy now. I think that most of the girls have them. If you don’t have them and like them, go to ZAFUL and buy them. This is my second collaboration with ZAFUL and like previous time, they are very nice and amazing. I've got the boots in 3 weeks and before I got them, I thought they will be bad quality and not good for cold weather, but it's opposite. Their quality is great. They look very expensive and also they are very warm. My friends bought them in other shops and told me that they are very bad and not good for this cold weather. I can tell you, that ZAFUL’s boots are very good. Their black color makes them good and really easy to combine with various outfits and styles. I wore them many times before this post and everyone told me how beautiful they are. You have more information about ZAFUL in my previous post '' Into something new ''.
 The dress and the bag are from Shein. I've got both of them few moths ago. I wore this dress today for the second time in my life. Great day to wear it..., but it looks good with the boots. The dress is nice and great for summer more than for winter. You can wear it in 2 ways. I forgot to take a photo of the dress in the second way you can wear it, when the shouders are not off. Maybe I’ll do that in summer. The bag has a great quality and it's great for every combination because it’s black. The jacket is from here. I bought it in a second hand shop. The jacket was like new and I love the nude color. I never told you, but I'm a big lover of second hand shops. You can find so many great things with a great price. When I find something great I feel somehow proud. I really don’t know why. Do you shop sometimes in second hand stores? 
The jewelry is from Born Pretty Store. It's also my second collaboration with them. I've got great rings and as you can see so many of them. I didn’t have the opportunity to wear them yet and also they are very beautiful. The ring with the wings is really great. I love it! The necklace is also from Born Pretty Store. As you can see there is a little bird on it. I really love birds and their wings. I just want to fly like them. The necklace is really cute, isn't it? Winged ring, necklace with a bird and of course earrings with wings. These ones are very interesting because they are different as you see. Cool but also very charming and beautiful. If you need some jewelry, Born Pretty Store has everything. Go and see yourself. For more information about them, you can check my previous post ''Born Pretty Store Review''.

Šta je prvo što uočavate? Možda čizme? Nadam se da ih prvo uočavate. Dobila sam ih iz ZAFUL-a i veoma su u trendu. Mislim da mnogo cura ima ovakve čizme. Ako ih nemate, a želite, idite na ZAFUL i kupite. Ovo mi je druga suradnja sa ZAFUL-om i kao prošli put, veoma su fini i odlični. Dobila sam čizme poslije tri sedmice i prije nego što sam ih dobila, mislila sam da će biti lošeg kvaliteta i za ovo hladno vrijeme loše, ali je totalno suprotno. Kvalitet im je super. Izgledaju skupo i veoma su tople. Moje prijateljice su ih kupile u drugim trgovinama i rekle su da su lošeg kvaliteta i da nisu za ovo hladno vrijeme dobre. Mogu vam reći, da su ZAFUL-ove čizme veoma dobre. Crna boja ih čini dobrim i veoma lakim za različite kombinacije i stilove. Nosila sam ih više puta prije ovog posta i svi su mi rekli kako su lijepe. Imate više informacija o ZAFUL-u na mom prošlom postu '' U nešto novo ''.
Haljina i torba su iz Shein-a. Oboje sam dobila prije par mjeseci. Ovu haljinicu sam danas drugi put u životu nosila. Odličan dan za nosit je...., ali izgleda dobro sa čizmama. Haljina je fina i bolja za ljeto nego za zimu. Može se na dva načina nositi. Zaboravila sam slikati haljinu na drugi način nošenja kada ramena nisu spuštena. Možda uradim to ljeti. Torba je veoma dobrog kvaliteta i super je za svaki outfit zbog crne boje. Jakna je odavdje. Kupila sam je u second hand trgovini. Jakna je bila kao nova i veoma volim njezinu nude boju. Nikad vam nisam rekla, ali sam veliki ljubitelj second hand trgovina. Možete naći mnogo dobrih stvari sa dobrom cijenom. Kada nađem nešto dobro, budem jako ponosna. Ne znam zašto. Da li kupujete u second hand trgovinama?
Nakit je iz Born Pretty Store-a. Ovo mi je takođe druga suradnja sa njima. Dobila sam prelijepo prstenje i kako vidite mnogo ih je. Nisam imala priliku da ih nosim do sad. Prsten sa krilima je veoma divan. Volim ga! Lančić je takođe iz Born Pretty Store-a. Kako vidite, ima malu ptičicu na sebi. Stvarno volim ptice i njihova krila. Želila bih letjeti kao one. Lančić je sladak, zar ne? Krilat prsten, lančić sa ptičicom i naravno naušnice sa krilima. Ove naušnice su veoma interesantne jer su različite kako vidite. Kul, ali takođe šarmantne i lijepe. Ako trebate neki nakit, Born Pretty Store ima sve. Pogledajte sami. Za više informacija o njima, možete pogledati moj prošli post '' Born Pretty Store Review '' .

 That's it for this post I hope you like it. Next week I will make about New Years Eve. I will celebrate the New Year in a great dress from Shein that you will see next week. Something will be different in the next post. I will have a partner with me, so ladies get ready to meet my good looking friend. Don't forget to tell me your opinion about the style in a comment and I would be really happy if you follow me on GFC(Google Friends Connect) on the right side. I will follow you back. 

Merry Christmas my beautiful readers and followers!

To je to za ovaj post. Nadam se da vam se sviđa. Sljedeće sedmice će biti post o Novoj godini. Slavit ću Novu godinu u divnoj haljini od Shein-a, koju ćete vidjeti iduće sedmice. Nešto će biti drugačije na sljedećem postu. Imati ću partnera, tako da moje drage dame, budite spremne za mog veoma zgodnog prijatelja. Ne zaboravite mi reći vaše mišljenje o ovom outfitu u komentaru i bila bih sretna kada bi me zapratili na GFC (Google Friends Connect) na desnoj strani. Uzvratit ću vam praćenje. 

Sretan Božić moji lijepi čitatelji i pratioci!

Photographer (Fotograf)  Emina Avdić

Boots (Čizme) - ZAFUL
Jacket (Jakna) - Second Hand Shop
Dress (Haljina) - Shein
Bag (Torba) - Shein 
Winged ring (Krilati prsten) - Born Pretty Store
Rings 1 (Prstenje 1) - Born Pretty Store
Rings 2 (Prstenje 2) - Born Pretty Store
Necklace (Lančić) - Born Pretty Store
Earrings (Naušnice) - Born Pretty Store


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