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Happiness is beauty

The outfit post is here! This week was full of duties for me,but I had time to finish it now. From now on I will change how I post my outfit posts litle by little. I will try not to write to much about what I do, maybe sometimes when I have good inspiration. I want you to focus on the photos and outfit more. That's all I wanted to say for now. Don't forget to comment your opinion. 

Outfit post je tu! Ova sedmica je za mene bila puna obaveza, ali sada sam imala vremena da završim. Od sada ću malo po malo mijenjati način na koji objavljujem svoje outfit postove. Pokušati ću da manje pišem šta radim, možda ponekad kada budem imala dobru inspiraciju. Želim da se fokusirate na slike i ono što nosim. To je sve što sam htjela reći i ne zaboravite mi komentarisati vaša mišljenja.
''Happiness is beauty'' is name for this post. I had some really wonderful days till now and had so much fun with my friends. We are careless these days and always in a good mood.
We somehow got attention from others because we are always smiling and spreading positive energy. I started to have a postive outlook on everything and found out how many beautiful things are around me. I just put on these clothes and went to this beautiful location to take the photos. Thank you ZAFUL and Rosegal (it has now trending and beautiful red rose dresses for you) for having so many beautiful things for me. Visit my previous post about them  (''Old but gold'') to see more of what they have to offer. As I said on the begining I won't talk so much. I will put the link to the items I wear and you can see how they look on me. When something isn't good I will tell you, but for now everything is great, has great quality and is great to wear on beautiful days that are luckly now coming often. If you have some questions comment and I will answer. I hope you will enjoy this post and visit and Trust me, you won't regret it.

''Sreća je ljepota'' je ime ovog posta. Imala sam mnogo prekrasnih dana do sada koje sam provela zabavljajući se sa prijateljima. Bili smo tako nemarni ovih dana i uvijek sa dobrim raspoloženjem. Dobili smo nekako pažnju od drugih,jer smo uvijek bili nasmijani i širili pozitivnu energiju. Počela sam gledati na sve pozitivno i otkrila kako me mnogo lijepih stvari okružuje. Samo sam uzela ovu odjeću na meni i otišla se slikati na ovoj predivnoj lokaciji. Hvala ZAFUL i Rosegal ( ima divne haljine koje su trenutno u trendu i biti će čitavo ljeto: cvijetne haljine) što imate mnogo lijepih stvari za mene. Posjetite moj prijašnji post i pogledajte još neke stvari od njih koje su na meni (''Staro ali zlatno'').  Kako sam rekla na početku neću mnogo pričati. Staviti ću vam linkove od odjeće koju nosim, a kako izgleda vidite već na meni. Ako nešto nije dobro, reći ću vam, ali za sada je sve odlično, dobrog kvaliteta i prelijepo za nošenje na ove lijepe dane kojih će srećom biti sada češće. Ako imate još kakva pitanja, komentarišite i ja ću vam odgovoriti. Nadam se da ćete uživati u ovome postu i posjetiti i Vjerujte mi, nećete se pokajati.

Hat (Šešir) - Rosegal
Blouse (Bluza) - Sold out (Rasprodana)
Shorts (Šorc) - ZAFUL
Bag (Torba) - ZAFUL
Bracelet (Narukvica) - ZAFUL
Sandals (Sandale) - Sold out (Rasprodane)




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