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Run away

Did you ever wanted to just forget about the past? 
I did. I mean of course you can’t just erase it from your memory, but what you can do is leaving it there where it belongs ... in the past, and definitely not focus on it again. An all time common example, girls who still have feeling for their ex boyfriends. I’ve been there, done that too, but you can’t keep thinking about it forever and blame it on yourself, one day you got to move on, and there are definitely more important and cry worthy things in life than ex boyfriends. There were things that bothered me till yesterday too, but I let them go. I decided to focus on the present and the future. I just leave the things that I have done, regret doing, thought of doing or should have done in the past. It’s like I’m locking them away. Someone would describe this as “running away from the past”, but I dont care. For me a huge burden is going away with that, and I find it important to never lose focus and motivation in life. The following photos you will see are a little bit different from my usual ones. You see me wearing an elegant dress from SHEIN on a railway. It looks like I’m lost and not fitting in that place. That lostness is something I wanted to express with those pictures. I know many of you have felt lost in life from time to time, but you have to remember that all things happen for a reason, and no matter good or bad, they will come your way. Life is about problems and about learning on how to overcome them. Thats it from me. This amazing dress along with the pumps is from SHEIN, and I got an another gorgeous red dress from SHEIN which I will hopefully show you soon too.

Da li ste ikada željeli zaboraviti prošlost?
Ja jesam. Mislim, naravno ne možete izbrisati svoju prošlost tek tako iz vaših sjećanja, ali šta možete učiniti nego ostaviti je tamo i gdje joj je mjesto....u prošlosti, i definitivno se više ne fokusirati na nju. Čest primjer, cure koje još uvijek imaju osjećaje za svoje bivše momke. I ja sam na toj poziciji bila, ali ne možete uvijek razmišljati o tome i kriviti sebe. Jednog dana morate ići dalje i definitivno će biti još mnogo važnijih stvari i stvari vrijednih suza u životu nego bivši momak. Bilo je stvari koje su me brinule do jučer, ali pustila sam ih. Odlučila sam se fokusirati na sadašnjost i budućnost. Jednostavno ostavljam iza sebe stvari koje sam učinila, kajala se zbog njih, razmišljala da ih trebam učiniti. To je kao da ih jednostavno zaključavam. Neko bi ovo opisao kao ''bježanje od prošlosti'', ali me ne zanima. Za mene velika briga odlazi tako i meni je bitnije da nikad ne izgubim cilj i motivaciju za život. Slike koje dolaze uz ovaj post su malo drugačije od uobičajenih slika. Kako vidite, nosim elegantnu haljinu iz SHEIN-a na pruzi. Izgleda kao da sam izgubljena i ne prikladna za takvo mjesto. Tu izgubljenost sam htjela izraziti ovim slikama. Znam da dosta vas se osjećalo izgubljeno u životu, ali morate se prisjetiti da se sve stvari dešavaju sa razlogom i bez obzira bilo ono loše ili dobro, susretat ćete se time. Život je o problemima i učenju na koji način da ih prebrodimo. To je to od mene. Ova fenomenalna haljina zajendo sa salonkama je iz SHEIN-a i dobila sam još jednu predivnu crvenu haljinu iz SHEIN-a koju ću vam, nadam se, pokazati takođe uskoro.

Photographer (Fotografkinja) Emina Avdić

Dress (Haljina) - SHEIN
Pumps (Salonke) - Sold out (Rasprodane); SHEIN


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