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New story

I really don't know how to start my post anymore.What words can I use for the beginning. I always try to ask how are you and talk about my week or day. Today I'm going to skip that part and tell you about my feeling these days. I never talked about my feelings. Do you ever feel that you have changed? Every day I realise how I do some things different, also how I feel. I always try to be good to people, even if they don't return the favor. To send my positive energy to someone who feels bad. Last week I had an interesting class. We had to exercise the nouns in the german language, but our teacher wanted us say some human feelings. We said some feelings what humans can have and after that she asked one by one for what people would be friends with. One of my classmates said that she doesn't like positive people who are always smiling. She said that's anoying. That made me a little sad. I can't say that I'm one of those people, but I do those things often. That made me think if I really am annoying. I started to talk with people less and thought it's better to not annoy them. I can tell you I had some sad and angry emotions about my personality and about everyone else.  I thought how I am to others and wasn't happy about it. That changed thanks to an amazing movie I watched last night ( I'm not ashamed ). Thanks to it I've got even more courage and wish to be a good person and maybe change something even if it's little. It doesn't matter who likes you or not, you have to like yourself. There is always someone who doesn't like you and that someone I want to change and make him/her give others chances to change the bad impression they made at first. I really hope that my words made you think about your own feelings and wishes, It's good to have bad feelings, because of them we can change and start a new story in our lifes. 

Stvarno ne znam kako više da započnem svoj post. Uvijek pokušavam pitati vas kako ste i pričati vam o svojoj sedmici ili danu. Danas ću preskočiti taj dio i pričati vam o svojim osjećajima koje sam imala ovih dana. Nikada nisam pričala o svojim osjećajima. Da li ste ikad osjetili da ste se promjenili? Svakim danom primjetim kako radim neke stvari drugačije i kako se drugačije osjećam. Uvijek sam pokušavala biti dobra prema ljudima, iako ne uzvrate tu uslugu. Da prebacim pozitivnu energiju nekome ko se osjeća loše. Prošle sedmice sam imala zanimljivo predavanje.Trebali smo pričati o imenicama u njemačkom jeziku, ali naša profesorica je htjela da kažemo par ljudskih osobina. Rekli smo neke osobine koje mogu ljudi imati i poslije toga je pitala jedno po jedno, sa kakvim osobama bi voljeli biti prijatelji. Jedna moja kolegica je kazala kako ne voli pozitivne ljude koji se stalno smiju. Kaže da je nerviraju. To me je učinilo malo tužnom. Ne mogu reći da sam jedna od takvih osoba, ali radim takve stvari često. To me je bacilo u razmišljanje, da li sam stvarno tako iritantna. Počela sam pričati sve manje sa ljudima i mislila sam da je bolje ne nervirati ih. Mogu reći da sam imala dosta loših osjećaja prema sebi i prema drugima. Razmišljala sam kakva sam to prema drugima i nisam baš bila zadovoljna. To se promjenilo zahvaljujući divnom filmu koji sam gledala prošle noći (I'm not ashamed- Ne sramim). Zahvaljujući njemu dobila sam još više hrabrosti  i želju da budem dobra osoba i možda ću nekad nešto da promijenim, ali to će biti neka sitnica. Nije bitno ko vas voli ili ne, bitno je da volite sebe. Uvijek će biti tu neko ko vas neće voljeti i ja upravo tog nekog želim da promjenim i učiniti ga/ju da da drugima šansu da promjene loš dojam koji su stekli na početku. Nadam se da su vas moje riječi bacili na razmičljanje o svojim osjećajima i željama. Dobro je imati loče osobine, jer zahvaljujući njima mi se mijenjamo i počinjemo novu priču u svom životu.

Okay, enough now,  I told to you that I will make posts regualy, but I was mistaken. It's really hard to find the perfect time for taking the photos. Today's post is about jumpsuits. I never wanted one, but something made me to order two. One long, other one short. I was amazed how they are really comfy and practical. I recommend you to have one. The first one, longer one, is from a new website . In this place I want to say that I'm sorry that I couldn't do the post sooner. I should have done this post 2 weeks ago but couldn't find the time and the weather was bad. I hope they will accept my apology. Okay now, the jumpsuit. Great one. I didn't expect that it would be soo good because the website is new for me. The material is soft and good. You can wear the jumpsuit on warm days and even cold with jacket. I didn't want to put the jacket in the photos  because it was very warm and I wanted to show you the amazing details under the neck. They were what made me order it. I love geometric prints on clothes, but this one isn't a print, i'ts connected to the jumpsuit. I can't wait to wear it somewhere. Thank God the weather is beautiful now. has more things for you, which are cheap too. Go visit them and see for yourselves.

Dobro, dosta za sada. Rekla sam vam da ću praviti postove redovno, ali pogriješila sam. Stvarno je teško naći savršeno vrijeme za slikanje. Današnji post je o kombinezonima. Nisam ga nikad želila, ali nešto me je pokrenulo da naručim dva. Jedan duži, drugi kraći. Bila sam zadivljena koliko su udobni i praktični. Preporučujem vam da imate jedan. Prvi kombinezon, duži, je sa nove online trgovine U ovom trenutku želim reći da mi je žao što nisam uradila post prije. Trebala sam uraditi ovaj post prije dvije sedmice, ali nisam mogla naći vremena, a i vrijeme je bilo loše. Nadam se da će  prihvatiti moje izvinjenje. Dobro sada, kombinezon. Odličan! Nisam očekivala da će biti ovako dobar jer je trgovina nova za mene. Materijal je nježan i dobar. Možete ga nositi na toplim danima. pa čak i na hladnim sa jaknom. Nisam htjela dodati jaknu na slikama jer je bilo prevruće i htjela sam pokazati divne detalje ispod vrata. Ti detalji su me navratili da ga naručim. Volim geometrijski print na odjeći, ali ovo ovdje nije print, povezano je sa kombinezonom kao dio njega. Jedva čekam da ga nosim negdje. Hvala Bogu vrijeme je lijepo sada. ima još mnogo stvari za vas, koje su također jeftine. Posjetite ih i vidite sami.

The short jumpsuit is from ZAFUL. I told you already so much about ZAFUL, so I will just say today something only connected to it's jumpsuit. It's very beautiful as you see. I love it how it's shape makes my legs look good. It's very short for me because I ordered a number smaller. It doesn't matter because I can wear it to the beach on summer, It's cuter when you wear it on flats, but here I wanted to make the two outfits somehow connect with the heels and bag. The material is thin and great for hot summer days. I hope you like it like I do.
About the other things on me like the bag, shoes and jewelry, I won't say much about it because this post is only about the jumpsuits. In the end of the post you can see where I bought these things. Some other time on some other post if I use the same items I will talk about them more. So enjoy the two looks and tell me which one is your favourite.

Kraći kombinezon je iz ZAFUL-a. Rekla sam vam več mnogo o ZAFUL-u, tako da ću danas samo reći nešto vezano za kombinezon. Veoma je lijep kako vidite. Volim kako njegov oblik čini moje noge dobrim. Veoma je kratak za mene, jer sam naručila za broj manji. Nema veze, mogu ga nositi ljeti na plažu. Slađi je kada ga nosim sa ravnom obućom, ali ovdje sam želila učiniti ova dva outfit-a povezanim sa obućom i torbom. Materijal je tanak i odličan za vrele ljetne dane.  Nadam se da vam se sviđa kao meni.
O ostalim stvarima na meni kao torva, nakit, obuca, necu mnogo pricati jer ovaj post je samo o kombinezonima. Na kraju post-a možete vidjeti gdje sam te stvari kupila. Nekad drugi put na nekom drugom post-u ako budem koristila iste stvari, pričati ću o njima više. Tako da sada uživajte u ovim dvijema kombinacijala i recite mi koja vam je kombinacija draža.



Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdić

Jumpsuit 1 (Kombinezon 1) -
Jumpsuit 2 ( Kombinezon 2) - ZAFUL
Bag (Torba) - Front Row Shop
Heels (Štikle) - Shein
Jewelry (Nakit) - Shein, Gamiss

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