What's up?!
Exams have ended and classes are starting again. I love my college, because of that it's not so boring. Last week's days were sunny, so I took some time and took these photos. It's already raining this week. I really don't like rain when I have to go somewhere every day, but I do love reading a book in my warm house. Is this the same for you? As you can see, the wall behind me is yellow. It's a little joke from me, because I'm blond and my hair colour is similar to the wall. For you information, I really didn't like what I did to my hair, but I've got a new hair colour, which you will see in the next post. Trust me, it's really better than this.
Šta ima?!
Ispiti su gotovi i počela su predavanja. Volim svoj fakultet, zbog čega mi nije toliko dosadno. Prošle sedmice su bili sunčani dani, tako da sam uzela sebi vremena i uradila ove fotke. Već pada kiša ove sedmice.Stvarno ne volim kišu kada moram da idem negdje. Volim je dok čitatam knjigu u mom toplom domu. Je li ovako i kod vas? Kako vidite, zid iza mene je žut. To je mala šala od mene, jer sam plavuša i moja boja kose je slična ovoj iza mene. Za vašu informaciju, ne volim baš ovo što sam uradila sa svoje kose, ali već imam novu boju koju ćete vidjeti u sljedećem postu. Vjerujte mi, bolja je nego ova.
Today I'm going to present you a new online shop Dresslily. I thought at first that is going to take some time to get my order and that the quality wouldn't be so great, but my thoughts were wrong. The package came in 3 weeks like they said on their site. Also the quality from the items is nice. The first item is the one your gaze went to first,yes the bag,or as i like to call it my lemon bag. .My mom really doesn't like stuff like this bag. She always says: ''Where will you wear that?'' or '' That's so childish!''. You know me, the more eye catching the better. She is already used to me being that way. So about the bag now. The material is really nice and has good quality. It's perfect for the spring,also for summer. Somehow it gives those vibes. The sneakers are also from Dresslily. I wore them for the first time on the day I took the photos. Every girl, especially the younger ones, looked at them. These days everyone has Adidas ones with the same shape like mine, but the colour is white. I wanted them, but really, it's boring when everyone has them. So I ordered these ones. The flowers and the colours make them great for beautiful sunny days. Quality is good and they are very light so it feels like you are walking barefoot. Spring is soo colorfull, so why wear black and white. Add some colours girls, please!!! The last item from Dresslily are the sunglasses. I really can't say anything bad about them or good, because they are ordinary sunglasses you should have. If you don't, then go to Dresslily and see some of their sunglasses. There really are many good ones.
The pants are from Shein. I already wore them on one of my posts. Go to ''Into something new'' and if you are curious about them, read about them there. I will say it here again, they are really good. The blouse I am wearing is also from Shein. The material is cotton and it's nice and comfortable to wear. It was a hot day, but the blouse made it less hot because it feels like I don't wear it.
There are some rings too. I have many of these rings so I combined some of them. I got them from Born Pretty Store.
Danas vam predstavljam novu online trgovinu Dresslily. Prvo sam mislila da će trebati mnogo vremena da mi dođe narudžba i da će kvalitet stvari biti loš, ali moje mišljenje je bilo pogrešno. Paket je stigao 3 sedmice poslije kako su i rekli na njihovoj stranici. Također, kvalitet od stvari je dobar. Prva stvar je ona koju vaše oči prvo vide. Da, torba. Ili kako ja kažem limun torba. Moja mama stvarno ne voli stvari poput ove torbe. Uvijek kaže: ''Gdje ćeš to nositi?'' ili '' To je tako djetinjasto!'. Znate me, upadljivo za oči je bolje. Navikla je se već da sam takva. Eh, sada o torbi. Materijal je fin i kvalitet je dobar. Odlična je za proljeće, ali i za ljeto. Baš tako zrači. Patike su također iz Dresslily-a. Obukla sam ih prvi put ovaj dan kada sam se i slikala. Svaka cura, pogotovo mlađe, su ih posmatrale. Ovih dana svi imaju Adidas patike, istog oblika kao moje ove, ali samo u boji bijeloj. Želila sam ih, ali stvarno je dosadno kada ih svi imaju. Tako da sam naručila ove. Cvijeće i boje na njima ih čine odličnim za lijepe sunčane dane. Kvalitet je dobar i veoma su lake, tako da osjećam kao da hodam bosa dok ih nosim. Proljeće je tako puno boje, zašto nositi crno i bijelo. Dodajte malo boje cure, molim vas. Zadnja stvar iz Dresslily-a su ove naočale. Ne mogu ništa loše reći o njima ili dobro, jer su obične sunčane naočale koje morate imati. Ako ne, onda idite na Dresslily i vidite njihove naočale. Ima mnogo dobrih.
Pantalone su iz Shein-a. Već sam ih nosila u jednom mom prošlom postu. Idite na ''U nešto novo'' i ako vas zanimaju, pročitajete tamo o njima. Reći ću ovdje ponovo, stvarno su sjajne. Također iz Shein-a je ova bluza što nosim. Materijal je pamuk i fin je i ugodan za nositi. Bio je veoma topao dan, ali zbog bluze se manje činio toplim jer je osjećaj kao da je ne nosite. Tu su još neki prstenčići. Imam mnogo ovakvih prstenčića tako da sam malo kombinovala. Dobila sam ih iz Born Pretty Store-a.
I hope you enjoyed the post. I would love to see some comments and your opinions. I wish you a great week. See ya!
Nadam se da ste uživali u postu. Voljela nih vidjeti komentare i vaša mišljenja. Želim vam divnu sedmicu. Vidimo se!
Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdić
Sunglasses (Naočale) Dresslily
Bag (Torba) Dresslily
Sneakers (Patike) Dresslily
Blouse (Bluza) Shein
Pants (Pantalone) Shein
Rings (Prstenje) Born Pretty Store
Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdić
Sunglasses (Naočale) Dresslily
Bag (Torba) Dresslily
Sneakers (Patike) Dresslily
Blouse (Bluza) Shein
Pants (Pantalone) Shein
Rings (Prstenje) Born Pretty Store
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