Hello my lovely people!
Here am I again! It took me a long time to make a new post. I had a lot of things to do for uni. Also next week I’ll be taking my exams. Wish me luck !
Opet sam tu! Trebalo mi je mnogo vremena da objavim novi post. Imala sam mnogo obaveza na fakultetu. Takođe, sljedeće sedmice mi počinju parcijale. Poželite mi sreću!
Today’s post is a Rosegal review, but before I tell you anything about the items and Rosegal, I will tell you how my day was. Really hard! I hate Mondays, like most of the people, but I had to take these photos and that took some time because I had two outfits and you will see the second one in the next post. My photographer Emina also has to study for her exams, so it's hard to arrange everything. The main theme ''Black and White'' is just my joke, because this and the next month will be black and white because of the books and exams. Also my outfit is a combination of black,white and gray color. It's unusual that I wear basic colors like this time. I love more powerful and bright colors, but black and white are not bad either.
Današnji post je o Rosegal-u, ali prije nego što počnem pričati o stvarima i Rosegal-u, želim vam reći kakav mi je bio dan. Veoma težak! Mrzim ponedjeljke, kao većina ljudi, ali morala sam se slikati, za što mi je trebalo mnogo vremena, jer sam imala još jedan outfit koji ćete vidjeti u sljedećem postu. Moj fotograf Emina mora takođe učiti za parcijale tako da je teško potrefiti da smo obje slobodne u isto vrijeme. Glavna tema ''Crno i bijelo'' je moja šala, jer će ovaj mjesec i sljedeći biti crno-bijeli zbog knjiga i testova. Takođe moj outfit je kombinacija crne, bijele i sive boje. Neuobičajeno je što nosim bazične boje kao sada. Volim više jake i svijetle boje, ali crno i bijelo je super ponekad.
So, Rosegal... I told you about many shops and everything I said about them is true. Rosegal is the one I recommend you to visit. Great service, price, quality and shipping. I got the package 3 weeks after the order. Three weeks might seem long,but don't worry, time goes by quickly. I've got this beautiful black coat from Rosegal. I really needed some basic colored jacket or coat, so I ordered this one. It's really warm and comfortable. I feel very good when I wear it. And it’s a great piece of clothing for every outfit I choose. Alongside the coat, I also ordered those black heeled boots. I fell in love as soon as I saw them. Really an eyechatch even though they are black. The quality is nice just like the price. The heels are really high. It's hard for me to walk in them, but that's because I'm not good at walking in high heels. My best friend would walk in them with no problem. The sweater and the leather leggings are from Shein. As I said in my previous post ''Red riding hood'', they are amazing. I love sweaters, and this one is my favourite. The leggings are just amazing. My friends love them. They're comfortable and warm. The blouse under the sweater is just an ordinary white blouse that everyone must have in their closet. Accessories are part of every outfit of course. The bag is from Sammydress. I've got it recently and as you could see in the photos, it's a beautiful bag and it has a pompon which is very popular now.
Eh, Rosegal... Pričala sam vam o mnogim online trgovinama i sve što sam rekla je tačno. Rosegal je jedna od njih, koju ću vam preporučiti da posjetite. Odličan servis, cijene, kvalitet i dostava. Dobila sam paket 3 sedmice poslije narudžbe. 3 sedmice izgledaju možda puno, ali ne brinite, prođu brzo. Dobila sam od Rosegal-a ovaj lijepi crni kaput. Stvarno mi je bila potrebna jakna ili kaput u crnoj boji, tako da sam naručila baš ovaj. Veoma je topao i udoban. Osjećam se veoma dobro kada ga nosim i odličan je komad za svaki outfit koji odaberem. Sa kaputom sam naručila ove crne chunky čizme. Zaljubila sam se na prvi pogled u njih, zapadaju za oko iako su crne, kvalitet je dobar kao i cijena. Peta je veoma visoka. Ne hodam dobro u visokim štiklama, zato mi je veoma teško da ih nosim. Moja najbolja prijateljica bi hodala u njima bez problema. Džemper i helanke su iz Shein-a. Kao što sam već rekla u mom prošlom postu ''Crvenkapica'', nevjerovatni su. Volim džempere i ovaj mi i je jedan od najdražih. Helanke su nevjerovatne. Moje prijateljice ih vole. Udobne su i tople. Košulja ispod džempera je obična bijela košulja koji svi trebaju da imaju u svom ormaru. Takođe, na svaki outfit, modni dodaci ne smiju faliti. Torba je od Sammydress-a. Dobila sam skoro i kako vidite, lijepa torba i ima na sebi pufnnicu, što je trenutno veoma popularno.
Some of my friends have bought their clothes on Rosegal and they can just confirm that it’s simply good. I hope you will visit their website and see it yourself.
Moji prijatelji kupuju na Rosegal-u i veoma su zadovoljni.
Nadam se da ćete posjetiti njihovu stranicu i vidjeti sami.
Nadam se da ćete posjetiti njihovu stranicu i vidjeti sami.
Coat (Kaput)- Rosegal
Sweater (Džemper)- Shein
Leggings (Helanke)- Shein
Boots (Čizme)- Rosegal
Bag (Torba)- Sammydress
Bracelet (Narukvica)- Sammydress
How's my outfit today? Tell me what you think about it. I will come back really soon with the new post. Have a nice day, Amra.
Kakav je moj outfit? Molim vas, napišite mi svoja mišljenja.
Doći ču ubrzo sa novim postom.
Doći ču ubrzo sa novim postom.
Have a nice day,
Želim vam lijep dan,
Želim vam lijep dan,
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