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Red Riding Hood

Hello everyone! 
Here is something new finally, a new post with a new style that might in some way conjure up all the beauty that comes along with this beautiful fall. I chose this beautiful park that can show all the magic of this beautiful season, which for some people means depression, but for me it’s simply the transition from green sheath to a white coat. I may look a little tired, but every single one of us has their problems and other things that sometimes make us tired and make us go to a place like this to think a bit, but of course like any modern lady, I do it all with a beautiful outfit that shows the beauty of all this.

Zdravo svima ! 

Evo ga, napokon nešto novo, novi post sa novim stilom koji će možda u neku ruku dočarati sve ljepote koje nam nosi ova predivna jesen. Izabrala sam prekrasni park koji bas može dočarati sve čari ovog predivnog godišnjeg doba, koji za neke predstavlja možda depresiju, ali to je za mene samo prelaz sa zelenog plasta u bijeli mantil. Možda izgledam malo umorno, ali svaki pojedinac sa sobom nosi obaveze, koje ga ponekad umore i natjeraju ga da možda izađe na neko ovako mjesto i da dobro razmisli, ali naravno kao i svaka moderna dama, to činim uz prelijepi outfit koji dočarava ljepotu ovoga svega.

 So, the topic is Red Riding Hood. I think you know, why I chose this name. When I was little, I always wanted to be like the Red Riding Hood from my dad’s stories. Now I’m way older, but my wish maybe became true somehow. Beside this topic, there is another one as well. That's ''SHEIN''. Let me tell you this firstly. SHEIN is really amazing. I worked with them on another website for one year or more. It’s one of the best online shops so far. Their items provide a really good quality and they always have the new fashion trends. All the packages that I received so far arrived 3 weeks after my order, like they told me. One tip: Their shoes are the best! 
I’ll focus on the dress in this post. As you see it's an eye catch. I loved it from the moment I saw it. I love the print on it. It's somehow retro. As you know, I love that thing that gets everyone’s attention and the dress does a great job when it comes to that. On our way to the park and the whole time while my photographer was taking the pictures, every girl was looking at my dress. I’m also wearing black thights, but don't worry. The dress is not too short or transparetnt. I just have them because it was cold and it looks good for a Fall style. Tell me your opinion about the dress. Do you like it like I do? Beside the dress, I got the coat, boots and bag also from SHEIN. I think you all fell in love with the coat. Everyone asked me where I bought it. It's an amazing coat, the photos tell you that. Unfortunately, it's sold out. I bought it last year. But they have other amazing coats and some of them look like this one that I’m wearing.(Click here to see them). Also, the boots are amazing and sold out like the coat, but I found some similar like those I’m wearing (click here). The bag came with another bigger bag which I use for college. The material is very good and strong. This is a basic black bag, which you can combine with most outfits. Oh, yeah. I forgot the jewelry. The earrings are from SHEIN too and as you see they’re such a cute silver earrings. The bracelets are from Born Pretty Store. You can see them better in my last post.

Tema je ''Crvenkapica''. Mislim da znate zašto sam izabrala ovaj naziv. Kada sam bila mala, uvijek sam željela biti kao crvenkapica iz Tatinih priča. Sada sam starija, moja želja se, na neki način, možda i ispunila. Pored ove teme, ima još jedna. To je ''SHEIN''. Prije svega, reći ću vam ovo: SHEIN je stvarno nevjerovatan! Radila sam za njih na drugoj društvenoj mreži više od godinu dana. Jedna je od najboljih online trgovina do sada. Njihove stvari pružaju veoma dobar kvalitet i uvijek imaju nove fashion trendove. Svi paketi, koje sam dobila do sada, su stigli za 3 sedmice, kao što su mi rekli. Jedan tip: Njihova obuća je najbolja! 
Fokusirat ću se na haljinu u ovom postu. Kao što vidite, zapada za oči. Sviđala mi se od momenta kada sam je ugledala. Volim njen print. Baca na retro. Kao što znate, volim stvari koje mame svačiju pozornost i ova haljina odlično odrađuje taj posao. Na putu do parka i čitavo vrijeme dok me je moj fotograf slikavao, sve djevojke cu gledale u moju haljinu. Takođe nosim crne štrample, ali ne brinite. Haljina nije prekratka ili providna. Nosim ih zato što je hladno i izgleda dobro za jesenji stil. Recite mi svoja mišljenja o haljini. Da li vam se sviđa kao meni? Pored haljine, dobila sam kaput, čizme i torbu, takođe od SHEIN-a. Mislim da sam se zaljubila u kaput. Svi su me pitali, gdje sam ga kupila? Nevjerovatan je. Slike vam to govore. Nažalost, rasprodan je. Kupila sam ga prošle godine, ali imaju druge nevjerovatne kapute i neki od njih izgledaju kao ovaj ( Klikni ovdje da vidiš). Takođe, čizme su nevjerovatne i rasprodane kao kaput, ali pronašla sam slične ( Klikni ovdje). Torba je došla zajedno sa drugom većom torbom koju nosim na fakultet. Materijal je veoma dobar i čvrst. Ovo je bazična crna torba, koju možete kombinovati uz većinu outfita. Oh, da. Zaboravila sam na nakit. Naušnice su takođe sa SHEIN-a i kao što vidite, one su slatke,male,srebrene naušnice. Narukvice sam dobila sa Born Pretty Store-a. Možete ih bolje vidjeti na mom prošlom postu.

I hope I didn't disappoint you with this style. I really try hard to get you something new each time. I can't wait to read your comments.
 Kisses, Amra.

Nadam se da vas nisam razočarala sa ovim stilom. Jako se trudim da vam pokažem svaki put nešto novo.
Jedva čekam čitati vaše komentare.
Poljupci, Amra.

Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdić

Coat (Kaput)- Sold out (Rasprodan)
Bag (Torba)- SHEIN
Boots (Čizme)- Sold out (Rasprodane)
Similar boots (Slične čizme)- SHEIN
Earrings (Naušnice)- SHEIN
Bracelets (Narukvice)- Born Pretty Store


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