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Yellow, the colour of hope

The color yellow has many meanings, but the meaning "hope" became one part my charakter. I am, maybe, one of the biggest hoper. When someone says ,''Don't hope, it's meaningless.'', I get angry. People who don't hope or don't want to, are mostly sad and depressed people. Hope is always making us go throught hard times. When we hope, then we do everything what's in our power to make that hope come true. It gives me strenght to accomplish the everyday hardship that occurs to a 20 years old girl like me. So, people, never lose hope even when there are no exits showing in bad situations, even when it ends bad and even when it's sometimes hard to be positive. The least one is one which I know the best. I'm literaly always positive and happy, but there are moments, where it's hard to smile even for a positive person like me. Even when I have bad feelings and feel down, hope is something that makes me walk trought these bad feelings and become happy again. So what about you? Are you hoping everyday for something? 

Nada je jedna od mnogih značenja žute boje, što je takođe i jedna od mojih glavnoh odlika. Ja sam, možda, jedna od osoba koje se najviše nadaju. Kad neko kaže: 'Ne nadaj se, to je besmisleno.' ', ja se naljutim. Ljudi koji se ne nadaju ili ne žele, uglavnom su tužni i depresivni ljudi. Nada nam pomaže da idemo kroz teška vremena. Kad se nadamo, onda činimo sve što je u našoj moći da ono čemu težimo postane stvarnost. To mi daje snagu da prevaziđem svakodnevne poteškoće koje se događaju 20-godišnjoj djevojci poput mene. Dakle ljudi, nikad ne gubite nadu! Ni onda kada navodno nema izlaza iz veoma teške situacije, u lošim završetcima i kada je teško ostati pozitivan. Posljednjeg sam najviše svjesna. Ja sam uglavnom uvijek pozitivna i sretna, ali postoje trenuci, gdje je teško ostati nasmijan, pa čak i za sretnu osobu poput mene. Čak i kad se loše osjećam, nada mi pomaže pobijediti svu tu negativnu energiju i onda ponovno postanem sretna. A što je s vama? Nadate li se svakodnevno za nešto?

Finally, I've got a chance to make this post. Luckily it was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine. It's spring already and it's time for some bright colors. When I saw this beautiful yellow jacket that I wear on the photos, I immediately bought it. As I said on the beginning of the post, one of the meanings of yellow is hope. When I wear it, I feel great. I'm happy all the time and the jacket makes every outfit amazing. I got it from ZAFUL.  Like always, ZAFUL's clothes never dissapoint me. The qualities of the clothes are truly the best. This jacket is one of the many proofs. The next thing that you will catch your eyes, are the black leather pants. Aren't they great? I had problems with leather pants in the past. They usually look bigger or are too tight even though they are in my size. These ones are perfect! Everyone asked me about them, which means, that the photos don't lie. There is one thing that's a bit bad. You should wash them with hands and not in the washing mashine, because the leather isn't real and it will come off when you don't care too much about them. Everything else is great. They make my leggs look skinnier. The necklace is from ZAFUL too. It's very beautiful and perfect for the spring vibes.
I combined the ZAFUL items with Rosegal items. That made my outfit complete and for me very beautiful. Rosegal has always like ZAFUL been good to me and the clothes I've got were like they promised. The T-Shirt I wear here has a great quality and I love to wear it because it's so comfortable. I started to love high wedge shoes, so these one were perfect for this outfit and for me too. They are totaly my style. I love the small flowers on them. If I could I would love to wear high heels everyday, but they are not so comfortable for walking the whole day. These wedge shoes give me the feeling I wear highheels, because I'm high like in them. I'm definetly going to order some more. Of course what's an outfit without a bag? The flowers on the shoes are pink similar like the bag, was a reason that I ordered the bag,  aside the bags beautifulliness. The final thing on my outfit is the set of these beautiful rings. Their shapes have something that makes them perfect for spring, like the clover ring.

Konačno sam imala priliku napraviti ovaj post. Srećom, bio je lijep dan s mnogo sunca. Već je proljeće i vrijeme je za neke svijetle boje. Kad sam vidijela ovu lijepu žutu jaknu koju nosim na fotografijama, odmah sam je kupila. Kao što sam rekla na početku posta, jedno od značenja žute boje je nada. Kad je nosim, osjećam se sjajno. Sretna sam cijelo vrijeme i jakna čini svaku odjevnu kombinaciju nevjerojatnom. Dobila sam je od ZAFUL-a. Kao i uvijek, ZAFUL-ova odjeća nikada me ne izdaje. Kvalitet odjeće doista je najbolji. Ova jakna je jedan od mnogih dokaza. Sljedeća stvar na koju ćete usmjeriti oči, su crne kožne hlače. Zar nisu sjajne? Imala sam problema s kožnim hlačama u prošlosti. Obično izgledaju veće ili su previše uske, iako su u mojoj veličini. Ove su savršene! Svi su me pitali za njih, što znači, da fotografije ne lažu. Postoji jedna stvar koja je malo loša. Trebali biste ih prati rukama, a ne u veš mašini, jer koža nije prava i pa će se oguliti kada ne vodite brigu o njima. Sve drugo je sjajno. Moje noge izgledaju u njima mršavije. Ogrlica je također od ZAFUL-a. Vrlo je lijepa i savršena za proljetne vibracije.
Spojila sam ZAFUL stvari s Rosegal stvarima. To je moju kombinaciju učinilo potpunom i za mene vrlo lijepom. Rosegal je uvijek bio dobar prema meni kao i  ZAFUL,a odjeća koju imam bila je kao što su obećavali. Majica koju nosim ovdje ima odličan kvalitet i volim je nositi jer je tako udobna. Počela sam voljeti visoke wedge cipele, tako da su ove bile savršene za ovu kombinaciju i za mene. One su totalno moj stil. Volim detalj cvjetića na njima. Voljela bih da mogu nositi štikle svakodnevno, ali one nisu tako udobne za hodanje cijeli dan. Ove wedge cipele daju mi ​​osjećaj da nosim štikle, jer sam visoka u njima. Definitivno ću naručiti još neke. Naravno, što je odjevna kombinacija bez torbe? Cvjetovi na obući su ružičasti poput torbe. To je  bio razlog što sam naručila ovu torbu pored toga što je prelijepa. Posljednja stvar na mojoj kombinaciji je set ovih lijepih prstenova. Njihovi oblici imaju nešto što ih čini idealnim za proljeće, poput prstena u obliku djeteline .

It took me some time to make this post, but now it's done. I hope you like it and it would make me happy, if you could write some comments below. I will try to finish the next outfit post as soon as possible. Till the next time.

Trebalo mi je vremena da ovaj post napravim, ali sada je gotov. Nadam se da vam se sviđa i bila bih sretna, ako biste mogli napisati neke komentare. Pokušat ću dovršiti sljedeći outfit post što je prije moguće. Do sljedećeg puta.



Jacket ( Jakna ) - ZAFUL
T-Shirt ( Majica ) - Rosegal
Necklace ( Lančić ) - ZAFUL
Pants ( Hlače ) - ZAFUL
Bag ( Torba ) - Rosegal
Shoes ( Cipele ) - Rosegal ''Sold out''
Rings ( Prstenje ) - Rosegal

Photographer ( Fotograf ) EMINA AVDIĆ 


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