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Find happiness in the small things

''Find happiness in the small things.''

''Pronađi sreću u malim stvarima.''

The more people started looking at materialism, the more they forget that happiness lays in the small things in life. Because the world started to be like that, people who are happy with small things get to be controled with that and be like everyone else. Everyone is trying to get big things and be better than maybe their neighbor or friend, that they loose focus on the important things in life like family and health. That's really sad and the only thing that can change that, are we ourselfs. If one person starts to see what's important and try to make another person see that, and that person another one, we get an chain reaction which can change the world. That sounds easy, but it isn't. I always saw the things that are important, and the small things make me happy, but sometime I get lost and start to hope to get better things and things that are similar to the ones that others have. Luckly I always come back thanks to the great people who are around me. I tried many times to show some friends and to some people things that are good and tried to help them change their way of life in an better way, or better to say, in an healthier way, but no one tried to let my words into their heads. People are egoistic and many people think everything they do is the best and that they are always in the right, but no! You shouldn't be like that. You must accept that you make mistakes, that things you do sometimes, aren't good ones and of course you should accept every good word or bad one from friends, they want all the best for you. That's the first step of being tolerant and being tolerant is the first step of being happy with small things, because you get to see what's worth in your life. I did that, and I'm extreamly happy. I started to volunteer and that filled my life with even more love than it had. I met great people who showed me many beautiful things and I learned from them to be kind and have courage to show who I am and what I want. If you are lost now, and want something to fullfill your life, try something like me. Volunteer or just go out and help people with everything you can do. Of course, start to find hapiness in the small things. 

Kako sve više ljudi gleda na maretijalno, tako sve više zaboravljaju da se sreća nalazi u malim stvarima u životu. Svijet je postao takav, gdje se kontroliše materijalnim. Svako pokušava da dobije velike stvari, da budu bolji od komšije ili prijatelja možda, da zaborave šta je važno u životu kao što su porodica i zdravlje. To je veoma tužno  i jedina stvar koja može to promjeniti, jesmo mi sami. Kada bi jedna osoba počela vidjeti ono što je bitno i potrudila se da druga osoba to isto vidi, pa ta pokušala da treća osoba vidi, dobili bi lančanu reakciju koja može promijeniti svijet. Zvuči lagano, ali nije. Uvijek sam vidjela važne stvari u životu, i male stvari me čine sretnom, ali ponekad se izgubim i počnem se nadati da dobijem bolje stvari, stvari slične onima što drugi imaju. Na moju sreću, uvijek se vratim zahvaljujući divnim ljudima oko sebe. Pokušala sam mnogo puta da pokažem nekim prijateljima i ljudima šta je bitno, pokušala sam im pomoći da promjene svoj način života u bolji ili bolje rečeno u zdraviji način, ali niko nije pokušao da moje riječi pusti u svoju glavu. Ljudi su egoistični i mnogo njih misli da sve što rade je najbolje i da su uvijek upravu, ali nisu! Ne trebate da budete takvi. Morate prihvatiti da pravite greške, da stvari koje nekad činite nisu dobre i naravno da prihvatite svaku dobru ili lošu riječ od prijatelja koje vam sve najbolje žele. To je prvi korak ka toleranciji, a biti tolerantan je prvi korak za pronalazak sreće u malim stvarima, jer vidite šta je bitno u životu. Učinila sam to i sada sam presretna. Počela sam da volontiram i to je ispunilo moj život sa još više ljubavi. Upoznala sam mnogo divnih osoba koje su mi pokazale mnogo lijepe stvari i naučili su me da budem ljubazna i da imam hrabrosti pokazati ko sam i šta želim. Ako ste izgubljeni sada i želite nešto da vam ispuni život, učinite nešto poput mene. Volonterirajte ili samo izađite i pomozite ljudima sa svime što možete učiniti. Naravno, potražite sreću u malim stvarima.

 I used the last chance to take these beautiful photos with the blossom. Flowers are the small beautiful things that make me happy, because they are looking so pure. I wanted to look like a flower and I hope I did it well enough. What do you think? This beautiful jumpuit is from ZAFUL. The jumpsuit is georgeous and amazing not only for spring. The sleeves are very beautiful because they are long and wide. When the wind blows, it just looks fantastic. The heels and bag are from Rosegal and made the jumpsuit even more beautiful. Sadly the heels are too high for me to walk in them, but it doesn't matter, I can always wear them somewhere where I can walk a little bit. The bag was on my last post ''Denim'' and was just perfect for this post too. The pearl ring and the earrings with little pearls are the last thing on this post. They are looking really beautiful and they are also from Rosegal.

Uzela sam posljednu šansu da uradim ove lijepe fotografije sa beharom. Cvijeće je jedna od onih malih stvari koje me čine sretnom, jer izgledaju tako čisto, nevino. Pokušala sam da izgledam poput cvjetića, pa se nadam da sam i uspjela. Šta mislite, jesam li? Ovaj prelijepi kombinezon je od ZAFUL-a. Kombinezon je predivan i odličan ne samo za proljeće. Rukavi su prelijepi jer su dugi i široki. Kada puhne vjetar, izgleda fantastično. Štikle i torba su iz Rosegal-a i učinili su kombinezon još ljepšim. Nažalost štikle su previsoke meni za hodanje, ali nema veze. Mogu ih uvijek obući negdje gdje mogu hodati samo na kratko. Torba je bila na mom zadnjem postu ''Denim'' i bila je savršena i za ovaj post. Prsten sa biserom i naušnice za malim biserima su zadnji predmeti na ovom postu. Izgledaju prelijepo i takođe su iz Rosegal-a.

I hope you like this post and it would be really nice if I touched you with this text on the beginning and made you think about things that are important. Tell me your opinios. 


Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj post i bilo bi mnogo lijepo kada bih vas ovim tekstom na početku uspjela dotaći i učiniti da razmisljate o bitnim stvarima u životu. Pokažite mi vaša mišljenja. 


Photographer ( Fotograf ) EMINA AVDIĆ

Jumpsuit ( Kombinezon ) - ZAFUL
Bag ( Torba ) - Rosegal ''Sold out''
Heels ( Štikle ) - Rosegal ''Sold out''
Ring ( Prsten ) - Rosegal
Earrings ( Naušnice ) - Rosegal

My Instagram account: amraa__s


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