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German Girl

Hey there!

Do you think that the title of this post is somehow funny? I think my friends will laugh because of it, but it doesn't matter so much. As you know, I was in Germany. I really must say that most girls there don't care about fashion. They always wear comfy things and it usually doesn't look nice, but they just don't care. When I came back to my hometown,I' ve got a mail from unique online shop named ZAN.STYLE. And so, I wanted to illustrate German girls, or more the style they had there. Thanks to ZAN.STYLE I've got great items for that.

Pozdrav svima!

Da li mislite da je naslov ovog posta nekako smiješan? Mislim da će mi se prijatelji smijati zbog njega, ali nije toliko bitno. Kako znate, bila sam u njemačkoj. Stvarno moram reći da mnoge djevojke tamo ne zanima moda. Nose često komotne stvari i često ne izgleda lijepo, ali ih to ne zanima. Kada sam se vratila u svoj rodni grad, dobila sam mail od unikatne online trgovine zvana ZAN.STYLE. I tako, želila sam da ilustriram Njemice ili više njihov stil kojeg su tamo imale. Zahvaljujući ZAN.STYLE-u dobila sam super stvari za to.

First, I will tell you about ZAN.STYLE. They are a group of fashion thinkers and stylistic creators who craved what they were missing: quality fashion that could adapt to their attitude, and to their personal lifestyle. ZAN.STYLE was born out of their dream of creating a premium daily wear clothing brand that seamlessly connects with the sense of who they are. Modern apparel should showcase their unique identity and individual personality because a great style allows us to be more than who we are. Personal apparel is timeless but dynamic – transforming and liberating. Style is always a personal choice, but the very best style chooses us. This is ZAN.STYLE: wear it and make it your own.

From ZAN.STYLE I've got this beautiful sweater and skirt. The quality, I must say, is really great. The material is really soft and strong. When you see my style now, you will think that I've ordered a size bigger than I usually do, and that's not wrong. I made a mistake and ordered one size bigger as I usually order. But, that wasn't a problem for me because in Germany  most girls wore such oversized clothes. I must say, it really is comfortable. I did my best to show you the beauty of the sweater and skirt, and next time I will order my size. My personal opinion about ZAN.STYLE is all the best. I really like their unique style. When you visit their website, you will see how even their website's style is unique. One more important thing: They also have mens clothes!
Other things that I wear are not from online shops, but bought in shops here where I live. 

Prvo, reći ću vam o ZAN.STYLE-u. Oni su skupina modnih mislilaca i stilskih kreatora koji su željeli ono što im nedostaje: kvalitetna moda koja bi se mogla prilagoditi njihovom stavu i osobnom životnom stilu. ZAN.STYLE je rođen iz njihovog sna koji stvara vrhunski brend svakodnevne odjeće koja se neprimjetno povezuje s osjećajem ko su oni. Moderna odjeća bi trebala predstaviti svoj jedinstveni identitet i osobnost, jer moderna odjeća nam dopušta da budemo više od onoga što smo mi. Osobna odjeća je bezvremena, ali dinamična - preobrazba i oslobađanje. Stil je uvijek osobni izbor, ali najbolji stil nas odabire. Ovo je ZAN.STYLE: nosite ga i učinite svojim.

Dobila sam od ZAN.STYLE-a ovaj lijepi džemper i suknju. Kvalitet je, moram reći, stvarno divan. Materijal je mnogo nježan i jak. Kada pogledate moj stil sada, pomisliti ćete da sam naručila preveliku veličinu za mene i to baš i nije netačno. Učinila sam grešku i naručila veličinu veću od one koju često naručujem. Međutim, to nije bio problem za mene, jer u Njemačkoj mnogo djevojaka nosi preveliku odjeću. Moram reći, stvarno je udobno. Učinila sam najbolje što sam mogla da vam pokažem ljepotu džempera i suknje i idući put ću naručiti svoju veličinu.  Moje lično mišljenje o ZAN.STYLE-u je sve najbolje. Stvarno mi se dopada njihov unikatan stil. Kada posjetite njihovu stranicu, primjetiti ćete da im je i stil stranice unikatan. Još jedna važna stvar: Imaju takođe odjeću za muškarce!
Ostale stvari koje nosim nisu iz online trgovina, već kupljene u trgovinama gdje živim.

Till the next time my dear readers.


Do idućeg puta moji dragi čitaoci.


Photographer ( Fotograf ) EMINA AVDIĆ

Sweater ( Džemper ) - ZAN.STYLE
Skirt ( Suknja )- ZAN.STYLE


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