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It's finally here!
With this post I'm going to start reopening my blog once again. I feel so happy again doing something I love. Next week you can expect two more outfit posts. You will see some changes in my style, but don't worry, I just like to change it up from time to time. Below you can see the first photo from my outfit. It's my favourite photo. 

Napokon je ovdje!
Sa ovim postom ću ponovo otvoriti blog. Tako sam sretna raditi ponovo nešto što volim. Sljedeće sedmice možete očekivati još dva posta sa outfit-om. Primjetiti ćete moju promjenu u stilu, ali ne brinite, te promjene činim s vremena na vrijeme. Ispod možete vidjeti moju prvu sliku od ovog outfit posta. Najomiljenija mi je. 

When you see my outfit, what's the first thing you notice? The casualness. You know, I said in my last outfit post this summer that I went on a vacation to Germany. It wasn't really a vacation, but a holiday part-time job for students. I wanted to see how it feels to work and earn my own money and also because I love the german language and I wanted to improve mine. The summer in Germany was really great and I met so many people, good ones, but bad ones too. I had a roomate named Lejla. She's really great and without her I think I couldn't have endured some things that happened there. I love her style. She is really sporty and she loved showing that off in her outfits. She is the first girl I met who wears sneakers on a fancy evening dress. Because of her I started to do that too. Her motto was ''comfortness comes first'', so you see I'm wearing a daring miniskirt from Rosegal with sneakers and no high heels like I used to do. And I feel sexy and comfy without high heels. So girls you can be sexy in sneakers too, and I learned that guys like girls with sneakers more. I would like to tell you more about my experiences in Germany, but it would be too long of a post and I don't want to bore anyone. Write me in the comment section bellow if u want to hear more of it. 

Kada vidite moj outfit, šta primjetite prvo? Ležernost. Znate, rekla sam u svom prošlom outfit postu ovog ljeta da sam otišla na odmor u Njemačku. Nije baš bio odmor, nego ferijalni posao za studente. Htjela sam vidjeti kako je raditi i zaraditi svoj sopstveni novac i takođe volim njemački jezik i željela sam ga poboljšati. Ljeto u Njemačkoj je bilo divno i upoznala sam mnogo dobrih, ali i loših ljudi. Imala sam cimericu sa imenom Lejla. Stvarno je super i bez nje ne bih mogla pretrpiti neke stvari koje su se desile tamo. Volim njen stil. Sportski je tip i voljela je to pokazivati na svojim outfit-ima. Prva je cura koju sam upoznala, a da nosi patike na fancy večernju haljinu. Zbog nje sam počela isto to raditi. Njen moto bio je ''udobnost dolazi na prvo mjesto'' i kako vidite nosim sexy mini suknju iz Rosegal-a sa patikama i ne sa štiklama kako sam znala činiti. Osjećam se sexy i udobno bez štikli. Tako djevojke, možete biti takođe sexy u patikama i naučila sam da momci vole više cure koje nose patike. Voljela bih vam pričati još o svojim doživljajima u Njemačkoj, ali bilo bi previše za jedan post i ne želim da vas smaram. Pišite mi u odjeljku za komentare ako želite čitati više o tome.

Now, about the website which sponsored my oufit today. It's Rosegal. I had great cooperations with Rosegal before and I'm happy that I can continue to have them again now and in the future. Rosegal never dissapointed me. First of all the clothes look amazing and the quality is even better. Everyone asked me where did I get the beautiful skirt,sweater and shoes. They loved my as I call them ''bunny shoes'' so much. Thank you Rosegal for them. They are my favourite item now. Everything on me, sweater, skirt, shoes, rings is from them. I don't need to talk about the items piece by piece, because you can see it for yourself on the photos. The day was really great for taking them. The jacket is from GAMISS. I ordered it long time ago. I  don't really know if it's sold out or not. If not then you will find the link below. I wore it so many times and recived many compliments. The earings are from Born Pretty Store. I already wore them on a post long time ago and as you see, they never changed. Really great quality. Bag is from Shein. You can find similar bags everywhere. Oh, I forgot to ask you, have you noticed my hair. I changed my hairstyle again to the old one. It's nice to changed from time to time, but it's better when you stay true to yourself. What do you think?

Sada o online stranici koja je sponzorisala moj outfit danas. To je Rosegal. Imala sam predobru saradnju sa Rosegal-om prije i jako sam sretna što mogu nastaviti imati je sada i u budućnosti. Rosegal me nikada nije razočarao. Kao prvo odjeća izgleda sjajno, ali je kvalitet čak bolji. Svi su me pitali gdje sam kupila prelijepu suknji, džemper i patike. Veoma su voljeli kako ih zovem ''zečije patike''. Hvala Rosegal. Najdraže su mi. Sve na meni, džemper, suknja, patike i prstenje, je od njih. Ne moram opisivati svaku stvar, dio po dio, jer možete to sami vidjeti na slikama. Bio je divan dan za slikanje. Jakna je iz GAMISS-a. Naručila sam je davno. Ne znam baš tačno da li je rasprodana ili ne. Ako nije, naći ćete link ispod slika. Nosila sam je mnogo puta i dobila mnogo komplimenata. Naušnice su iz Born Pretty Store-a. Imala sam ih na jednom postu davno  i kako vidite, nikad se nisu promijenile. Stvarno dobar kvalitet. Torba je iz Shein-a. Možete naći slične torbe svugdje. Ah, zaboravila sam vas pitati da li ste primjetili moju kosu. Promijenila sam frizuru na onu koju sam već imala. Lijepo je promijeniti se s vremena na vrijeme, ali je još bolje biti iskren prema sebi. Šta mislite? 

That's it for today. I hope I didn't disappoint you with this post. Every view and comment will make me really happy. Also, don't forget to visit Rosegal.

Wish you a great weekend.


To je to za danas. Nadam se da vas nisam razočarala sa ovim postom. Svaki pregled i komentar će me činiti sretnom. Takođe, ne zaboravite posjetiti Rosegal.

Želim vam divan vikend.


Photographer ( Fotograf ) EMINA AVDIĆ ( THE BEST! <3)

Jacket ( Jakna ) - Sold out ( Rasprodana )
Sweater ( Džemper ) - Rosegal
Skirt ( Suknja ) - Sold out ( Rasprodana )
Rings ( Prstenje ) - Rosegal
Shoes ( Patike ) - Rosegal 
Earings ( Naušnice ) - Sold out ( Rasprodane )
Bag ( Torba ) - Shein


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