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Showing posts from February, 2017

Black Angel

Hello again, How are you? Here is the post I've told you about. Elegant and glamorous like the post before. The name ''Black Angel'' of this post is thanks to the dress I wear, but you will see why on the end of the post. After this post I will  make some casual style posts. I wanted to take some photos yesterday, but the weather said no. It started to snow. Great and I just wanted to start wearing sneakers and leather jackets. For your information  I also finished my exams so I will be more active now. Enough talk about me. I hope you will enjoy the photos and the look. Zdravo, Kako ste? Evo posta o kome sam vam pričala. Elegantan i glamurozan kao prošli. Ime posta ''Crni anđeo'' je nastao zahvaljujući mojoj haljini koju nosim, ali vidjeti ćete na kraju zašto. Poslije ovog posta, početi ću sa ležernim stilom. Htjela sam se jučer slikati, ali vrijeme je reklo ne. Počeo je padati snijeg. Sjajno, baš sam htjela početi nositi patike i kožne jak...

Be a lady

Hello girls and maybe boys! Have you ever felt that you want to look more glamurous and sexy? Yes, sure you did! I noticed that many of my posts were casual or boho style. So, I wanted to show you my elegant and glamurous style in this post and the next one. Thanks to my dear cousin I manage to get a great location for the photos. Emina had some trouble with shooting because the building hasn't the best light. But we did it! We made some good photos. I would be really happy if you can see the photos and comment your opinion below. Zdravo cure, a možda i dečki! Da li ste ikada htjele biti glamurozne i seksi? Da, naravno da jeste! Primjetila sam da je većina mojih postova u ležernom i boho stilu. Tako, da sam ovaj put htjela pokazati moj elegantan i glamurozan stil, baš kao što ću uraditi u sljedećem postu. Zavhaljujući mojoj dragoj rođakinji uspjela sam naći odličnu lokaciju za ove slike. Emina je imala male poteškoće sa slikanjem jer zgrada nije imala najbolje svijetlo. Ali...


Hello everyone!  The Spring is coming. The snow melted and the flowers are showing up already. Today was such a beautiful day and I went out with my niece (Yes, I'm auntie). I've got the idea to make her my model for the Born Pretty Store jewelry review. She was so happy and couldn't wait to take the photos. The sun is the reason why she looks angry in the photos, but she is adorable. She also helped me and had a great idea to put the white flowers like a decoration around the jewelry. She's really the cutest model ever. By the was, her name is Sara. Zdravo svima. Proljeće dolazi. Snijeg se otopio i cvijeće je počelo rasti. Danas je bio veoma lijep dan, pa sam izašla sa bratovom kćerkom napolje (Da, tetka sam). Dobila sam ideju da je napravim svojim modelom za recenziju nakita iz Born Pretty Store -a. Bila je jako sretna i nije mogla čekati da se slika. Sunce je krivo što na nekim slikama izgleda ljuta, ali je opet divna. Također je pomogla i imala sjajnu idej...