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Hard times come and go but the most important thing is to learn to let go. My new post is about boho style and there's a reason for that. I like boho style, I think it looks cool. But what I love the most about it is that it looks completely relaxed and kind of free. My posts were mostly elegant so that's why I decided to show you now another style and another side of me. I'm chill and relaxed person and I like to express that with my outfits, but I mostly wear elegant things or how my mom likes to say "dress like a lady". It's not that I don't want to dress like that, but it literally comes to my mind somehow, if you know what I mean.

 Teška vremena dođu i odu, ali najbitnije je da se naučis pustiti. Moj novi post je o boho stilu i sa razlogom je. Volim boho stil, baš kul izgleda, ali ono sto najviše volim jeste da izgleda kao da si opušten, da te ne brinu nepotrebne stvari. Do sada su mi bili više elegantni postovi, tako da sam htjela pokazati i drugu stranu sebe i novi stil. Više sam opušteniji tip osobe i to volim pokazati na outfitima, ali većinom se obučem elegantno i kako bi moja mama rekla ''damski''. Nije da želim tako da se oblačim, već jednostavno tako mi dođe, ako znate na šta mislim.

I like that kimono that I'm wearing in the photos that you can see here. I can combine it with different things and I recommend everyone buying one because they're very practical. There I also wear new high heels that I got from Shein. I hope you like them because I fell in love with them. They're very nice and comfortable.
I hope you like my outfit and my new post.
I'd appreciate it if you write some comments about it.

Volim ovaj kimono sto nosim na slikama, uz svašta ga mogu obući i svakome preporučujem da nabavi sebi kimono jer su baš praktični. Takođe nosim nove štikle, koje sam dobila iz Shein-a. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti. Ja sam se zaljubila u njih. Lijepe su i moderne, a pogotovo udobne. 
Nadam se da vam se sviđa moj outfit i novi stil. 
Mnogo bih se obradovala vašim komentarima.

Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdić

If you like what I wear, here can you find it:

Ako vam se sviđa što nosim, možete pronaći ovdje:

Kimono (Kimono)- SHEIN
Shorts (Šorc)- SHEIN
Necklace (Lančić)- SHEIN
Bag (Torba)- SHEIN
Heels (Štikle)- SHEIN


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