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Autumn Spirit

Hello everyone!

So, this is the post that I was talking about. I needed some time for it. It’s autumn already. I love this season as much as I love winter. I think I’m that type of person that enjoys winter more. I’ve got much more inspiration then to make combinations for my outfit. As you may know, in my previous posts I like to combine colors and obviously this post won’t be far from that. 
This post is about GAMISS, the online store that I work with for 2nd time already. I have to tell you that it’s great, fair and shipping is good too for anything you order. Apart from that, it’s really cheap and the quality is still good.

Zdravo svima!

Evo, to je post o kojem sam vam pričala. Trebalo mi je mnogo vremena da nađem vrijeme za njeg. Jesen je već. Volim ovo doba kao i zimu. Više sam zimski tip osobe. Tada imam najviše inspiracije da iskombinujem nove outfite. Kako već znate u mojim prošlim postovima, volim kombinovati boje i logično da neće faliti ni na ovom postu boja. Dominira kako vidite narandžasta boja, jer mi ta boja najbolje jesen opisuje. Ovaj post je o GAMISS-U. Online trgovina sa kojom već drugi put surađujem. Moram vam reći da je odlična, poštena i sve dođe na vrijeme što naručite. Pored toga, jako je jeftina i kvalitetna odjeća.

Since autumn has just started, it’s still not that cold so you can wear a mini skirt. When I saw this leather skirt, I just had to order it. It’s beautiful. As you can see, I combined this shirt with it that I got for a long time now and I don’t know where I bought it. As I sad already, this post will contain colors too. In this case, it’s orange. The boots are from GAMISS as well and everyone has asked me about them. The heel has some sort of a weird shape, but that’s what makes them even more special. Apart from looking good, they’re also comfortable. I bought the jacket in Shein and it just suits the boots very well. The material is very soft and quality of it is good too. I had to add a small detail to this whole outfit and that’s the purse from GAMISS with flower print. When it comes to jewellery, I’m wearing a necklace and rings from GAMISS as well. I stayed loyal to my style and you’ll notice that my outfit is in boho style that I like a lot.

Pošto je tek jesen nastala, nije još toliko hladno da se ne može obući mini suknja. Kada sam u trgovini vidjela ovu kožnu suknjicu, jednostavno morala sam je naručiti, predivna je. Uz nju, kako vidite sam kombinovala svoju košuljicu koju već dugo imam i ne sjećam se gdje sam je kupila. Kako sam već rekla, boja ne smije nedostajati. U ovom slučaju je to narandžasta boja. Čizme su takođe iz GAMISS-A i svi su me pitali za njih. Peta im ima čudan oblik, ali to ih čini jos posebnijim. Pored njihove ljepote, jako su i udobne. Jakna koju sam kupila u Shein-u super pristaje uz njih. Materijal joj je jako nježan i veoma je kvalitetan. Uz čitav outfit sam morala dodati još jedan uočljiv detalj i to je torbica iz GAMISS-A sa cvijetnim printom. Od nakita, nosim lančić i prstenje, takođe iz GAMISS-A.
Ostala sam vjerna svom stilu i primjetit ćete da mi je outfit u boho stilu kojeg veoma volim.

I hope you’ll like my new outfit and I’ll be happy to read some comments about it.
Until next time!

Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti moj novi outfit. Željela bi čuti vaše komentare ispod.
Do idućeg puta! 

Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdić

You can find the items on the photos here:
Stvari na slikama možete pronaći ovdje:

Jacket (Jakna)- Shein- Sold out (Rasprodano)
Skirt (Suknja)- GAMISS
Boots (Čizme)- GAMISS

Bag (Torba)- GAMISS
Necklace (Lančić)- GAMISS
Rings (Rings)- GAMISS


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