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Everyone knows the story about the ugly duckling. If we haven't read the story, we have at least seen the movie. The message that this story sends us is that we should be accepting of everyone's being and the diversity among us. All of us are instinctively longing for a place of our true honesty and self, to spread our wings and become the most beautiful swan. Seomebody being different does not make them a less worthy or a bad person. Before accepting someone for their looks, one should first look into their heart. It is a beautiful lesson from a beautiful childrens' story. It is sad that children nowadays don't read stories or watch cartoons like that. In schools, in the streets and even in a family, people raise us to be the same. That's a big mistake. Every single one of us is an invidual person. Everyone should be different and not be laughed at because they do or say different things. When you live in a small town like me, you can see how people react when someone does something different or unexpected. They start to gossip or even make up stories with a lot of predjudices. It hurts me to see and hear that. Why do people do that? The world would be a much better place if people were more tolerant and accepting. I'm thinking that every one of us is the ugly duckling from the story and are trying to find our place in this world, to be loved even if it means doing nothing for ourselves. Somewhere something is waiting for every one of us where we can be our true selves and end up a beautiful swan. A beautiful end like this won't happen to those who try and be like everyone else, because no one can please everyone; everyone is different. That's the point, being different is a good thing. Why do I love watching childrens' movies? It's because these old children movies share many good lessons; life lessons, which you don't really have in standard real-life movies. Some people say I'm childish because of it, someone laughs about it when I say I watch cartoons or anime even though they don't know how much I have learned about life just from these ''childish'' things. I think weak people create predjudice to look strong and to cover their insecurities. That's okay, because as I said, we are ugly ducklings and we need time to become beautiful swans if we allow it and truly start to change ourselves first and then others. The biggest mistake people make in life is trying to change others before they change themselves. An ugly duckling can't help the other one before it helps itself. The ugly duckling learned so much the hard way till he came to it's purpose. He started trying to be like others, but in the end he found out that it's wrong and that he is as he is and how he treats others is more important. If you find yourself, your own true self, happiness will come immediately and also light up your life. Of course it would be nice if your true self would be good, but maybe someone's true self isn't like that and that's okay. Because as I said all of us are individuals with a purpose in this life and to discover this purpose, we should try not to be like others and try to steal theirs.

Svi znamo priču o ružnom pačetu. Ako nismo pročitali priču, barem smo gledali film. Pouka koju bismo trebali izvući iz ove divne priče je, da trebamo prihvatiti drugačije od standarda i svačije različitosti. Svako teži mjestu u kojem može biti iskren i pokazati svoje pravo lice, raširiti svoja krila i postati prelijepi labud poput labuda u priči. Ako je neko drukčiji, ne znači da je loša osoba. Nikada se ne treba voditi nečijem vanjskim izgledom nego njegovim srcem. To je prelijepa lekcija iz prelijepe dječije priče. Baš je žalosno što današnja djeca ne čitaju ili gledaju takvo nešto. U školama, na ulici, pa čak i u porodici nas uče biti isti. To je velika greška. Svako od nas je invidualna osoba. Svako bi trebao biti drugačiji i ne biti ismijan što radi ili kaže nešto drugačije. Ako živite u malom gradu kao ja, možete primjetiti kako ljudi reaguju kada se neko ponaša drugačije ili neočekivano. Počinju tračati pa čak i širiti izmišljene priča sa svojim predrasudama. To me baš boli kada čujem ili vidim. Zašto ljudi rade to? Svijet bi bio mnogo bolje mjesto kada bi ljudi bili tolerantniji. Ja smatram da smo svi ružno pače poput pačeta u priči i da svi tražimo naše mjesto na ovom svijetu, kao što tražimo biti i voljeni iako to znači ništa ne činiti za sebe. Sve nas čeka negdje nešto gdje možemo biti istinski mi i gdje ćemo na kraju postati prelijepi labudovi poput labuda u priči. Ovaj lijep kraj neće biti onima koji se trude biti poput ostalih, jer niko ne može ugoditi drugome, jer smo svi drugačiji. To je i poenta. Trebamo biti drugačiji i to je dobro tako. Zašto volim ponekad gledati dječije crtiće i anime? Zato što baš ti crtići imaju toliko dobre lekcije života koje ne možete pronaći u filmovima za odrasle. Neki ljudi kažu da sam djetinjasta zbog toga i neki se i smiju kada kažem da gledam crtiće i anime iako ne znaju koliko sam toga o životu naučila baš gledajući te '' djetinjaste'' stvari. Smatram čak da slabi ljudi imaju predrasude kako bi izgledali jače i sakrili svoje nesigurnosti. To je sasvim uredu, jer kako sam već rekla, svi smo ružno pače u sebi i treba nam vremena da postanemo prelijep labud, samo ako dopustimo i istisnski počnemo mjenjati najprije sebe pa tek onda ostale. Najveća greška koju ljudi prave u svom životu je to što pokušavaju mjenjati druge prije nego što sebe promjenje. Ružno pače ne može pomoći drugome prije nego sam prvo postane prelijepi labud. Ružno pače u priči je imao toliko težak put i toliko toga je naučio prije nego što je shvatio svoju vrijednost. Počeo je biti poput ostalih, ali na kraju je shvatio da on kao on, kakav je i kako druge tretira je mnogo važnije. Ako se pronađete, ali baš istinski pronađete, sreća će se isti tren pojaviti i takođe svjetlo u vašem životu. Bilo bi stvarno lijepo kada je vaše pravo ja dobro i fino, ali možda kod nekih nije tako, što je zapravo uredu, jer kako sam već rekla, svi smo invidualni i svi imamo svrhu u životu koju ćemo dostići samo ako ne gledamo da budemo kao drugi. 

As you know me, I always start my post with a story where I add a touch of my own thoughts. It would make me happy if you made comment about it and share your opinion. The inspiration for this post was found in the skirt I wear on the photos. I got it from Dresslily. The skirt is very beautiful and just pure magic. You have its link below if you want to buy it. Any more words about the skirt would be needless because you can see on the photos how pretty it is. I will now let you look at the photos and don't forget to comment in the end. I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts.

Kako me već znate, uvijek počinjem svoj post sa pričom, gdje iskazujem svoje mišljenje. Mnogo bi me učinilo sretnom kada bi komentarisali i rekli vaša mišljenja. Ova ispiracija za post je došla zahvaljujući suknji koju nosim na slikama. Dobila sam je od Dresslily-a. Suknja je stvarno lijepa i čarobna. Imate link suknje na kraju posta, ako budete željeli istu takvu kupiti. Još koje riječi za ovu suknju bi bili suvišni jer se na slikama u potpunosti vidi kakva je. Pustiti ću vas da gledate sada slike i ne zaboravite komentarisati na kraju. Baš bih voljela čuti vaša mišljenja i načine razmišljanja.






 Photograph (Fotograf) - Emina Avdić

Skirt ( Suknja ) - Dresslily

Here is a 25% discount Coupon Code:  MOM25


  1. You look gorgeous! :) This skirt is interesting and the boots are really nice

  2. Girrrlll you are sooo beautiful with that skirt!

  3. Gorgeous style my dear ♥
    You look wonderful ♥

  4. Meni je više muka od ovog poremećenog sistema vrednosti gde se više ne ceni bukvalno niko i ništa i ono što se pojmi kao lepo i prihvatljivo je potpuno pogrešno. Takođe me nervira što ljudi toliko imaju potrebu da zabadaju nos u tuđa posla da nađu da kritikuju bilo koga što se ne ponaša onako kako oni veruju da je ispravno i da se nikako drugačije ne sme. Više me nije ni briga šta bilo ko govori i misli o meni jer je meni cilj da usrećim sebe, drugi neće biti šta god da uradim i uvek će im nešto biti nedovoljno dobro, zašto onda da se opterećujem?
    Inače izgledaš divno, a ta suknjica s labudovima je presimpatična. <3

  5. Predivna kombinacija. Slažem se sa napisanim, a iz klasičnih bajki se može puno naučiti.

  6. I totally agree with you I have been targeted in my life and it was very traumatic However people who are insecure about themselves put others down to feel better But karma exists do good and good things will come back to you Gorgeous outfit and accessories Dreamy images too xoxo Cris

  7. Hello!!

    It was beautiful with the look !! I loved the skirt, I thought it was a good princess !!
    I have a sandal just like yours, but in black!

    A kiss and a great week.

  8. Thanks a lot :D

    you look absolutelly amazing my friend. loved all combo

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  9. You have a wonderful blog! I decided to follow you because it is very interesting and close to me what you write :)

    Look at me, I'll be glad if you follow me back ^^


    MY NEW POST ♥♥♥

  10. wow, amazing post. Would you like to follow each other?

  11. That skirt is gorgeous and you look like a beautiful young lady!!
    I'm following you

  12. Lovely outfit dear have a nice weekend :)

  13. Sandale su zaista posebne! Baš mi se sviđaju :)

    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Instagram

  14. Stunning outfit and beautiful skirt! I love also the spot you have as the backstage :-)

  15. amazing post dear :) i like your blog
    kisses, Buba


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