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Difficult times require difficult decisions

Greetings my dears, 

How are you spending this wonderful pre-holiday season? I hope not like me, with studying. December is really a though month for me. The days feel like they last forever and they are overfilled with obligations. How I miss those high school and middle school days, where your biggest problem is to not get a bad grade in physics or math. Since I'm half way done with my university, I'm starting to get my first worries. Where and what to do afterwards? I've been working for quite a while now, but it ain't easy at all. If I haven't mentioned it before, I'll do it now. I study German language and literature. And since a lot of todays youth is departing from my country, a lot of students and professors are wanted in the educational branch. It's a little bit sad that I'm helping young people to fulfill their dreams of leaving the country, but I'm not the one to judge. They are on the search for something bigger, which requires hard decisions. The last two months, I've had a lot to do. I was drowning in obligations. In those two months I've made so many hard decisions, that I've got used to that feeling of not knowing did I choose right or wrong. Mostly I've chose the wrong ones. Do I regret it though? No. No I don't. Like my mom used to say, that's how it goes in the world of adulthood. It doesn't matter if you make a good or bad decision. What matters is how you felt while making it. Confidence is key. And whatever happens, at least you know you've made it through. And I'd like to say that, even if you make a wrong decision, you got to look at it from a different angle. When one door closes, another one opens. That way of thinking helps me a lot trough hard times. And I hope it will help you too. I wanted to keep it short, but I got a thoughts flow. I'll make a cut here though.

Zdravo dragi moji.

Kako provodite svoje vrijeme na ovim divnim predprazničnim danima? Nadam se ne poput mene, učeći. Mjesec decembar je toliko naporan mjesec za mene. Dani se otežu kao godina, a pretrpani su obavezama. Kako mi nedostaju dani iz srednje škole i osnovne, kada je jedini veliki problem bio ne dobiti jedan iz fizike ili matematike. S obzirom da sam skoro pola fakulteta završila, već me hvataju prve brige, kako i šta poslije? Već odavno sam počela raditi u struci tome koju završavam, međutim to nije ni malo lako, pogotovo sada kada je mnogo tražen posao. Ako već nisam nekada spomenula, sada ću. Studiram njemački jezik i književnost i zbog odlaska mnogih mladih iz Bosne, traženi su i studenti i profesori u svim edukativnim centrima, pa čak i školama. Malo je žalosno što pomažem mladim ljudima da ostvare svoje snove o odlasku iz našeg rodnog kraja, ali ne sudim im, a ni sebi. Traže nešto bolje iako to zahtjeva donošenje teških odluka. Zadnja dva mjeseca sam imala mnogo toga da radim, tušila se u obavezama od kojih sam neke bez razmišljanja i potrebe prihvatila. U ta 2 mjeseca sam donijela toliko teških odluka učinila, da sam se navikla već na taj osjećaj neznanja da li sam dobro odlučila ili ne. Većinom sam loše odabrala, a da li se kajem? Ne! Ne kajem se. Kako moja mama kaže, tako je u životu odraslih. Na neki način ne gledaj da li je neka odluka dobra ili loša, bitno je da se ti poslije nje osjećaš dobro i naravno da znaš da si se riješila jedne od milion. Ja bih na to dodala još, da i kad loše odlučite, nije to toliko strašno, jer na svijet treba gledati tako da kada se jedna vrata zatvore, druga koja će biti mozda cak bolja za vas, biti će širom otvorena i čekati vas da prođete kroz njih. Ta pomisao mi pomaže mnogo kroz periode poput ovog, pa nadam se da će i vama. Htjela sam biti kratka ovaj put sa postom, međutim dobila sam mnogo inspiracije za pisanje, ali ipak ću povući ovdje granicu ovoj temi, pa možda nekada drugi put nastaviti.
Because of the obligations I mentioned, I couldn't make it to post this sooner. Thanks to Rosegal and their wonderful clothing, I've managed to make up this interesting outfit. I love unusual styles and I'm trying myself to channel that. The things I got from Rosegal are this beautiful shirt, whose sleeves make it so special. I just love the cut of it. Besides the shirt, I got these lovely, grey heels. I can't wait for these gloomy, rainy days to stop, so I can wear them to some elegant outfit. And not to forget this wonderful scarf. I watched some videos about them recently, on how to wear them. So I tried it myself. It didn't work as planned, but hey, it's not that bad either. What do you guys think? Of course I had to add some more stuff so I could finish the outfit. The coat is from ZAFUL and the bag from GAMISS, as well as the pants who don't really have a brand. I hope you like the post. And if you plan on gifting something, yourself or a loved one, for the holiday season, you should definitely check out Rosegal.
Rosegal Crazy Shopping Day! 25% OFF With Coupon:RGBF1 

Zbog obaveza koje sam na početku post-a napisala, nisam uspjela ovaj post prije objaviti, ali ipak sam zahvalna tome što nisam prije, jer ne bih imala vremena malo se pozabaviti blogom i poslije njegovog dijeljenja. Zahvaljujući Rosegal-u i njegovim divnim stvarima, uspjela sam iskombinovati ovaj zanimljivi outfit. Volim neobične stilove i trudim se da budem neobična, tako da sam to sada htjela dočarati. Ono što sam dobila od Rosegal-a, jeste ova divna majica čiji rukavi je čine posebnom. Sviđa mi se njen kroj. Pored majice, dobila sam i ove divne sive štikle koje su takođe neobične, ali prelijepe. Jedva čekam da prestanu ovi kišni i hladni dani da ih pronosam uz kakav elegantni outfit. I da ne zaboravim divnu maramu na glavi. Skoro sam gledala videe po instagramu kako se ove male marame mogu nositi na različite načine kao ukras, pa sam isprobala ovaj put nešto tako slično. Nije baš uspjelo kako sam želila, ali opet nije ni tako loše. Šta mislite? Naravno morala sam tu još dodati stvari kako bih upotpunila sve, a to bunda iz ZAFUL-a, torba iz GAMISS-a i hlače čija mi je marka nepoznata. Nadam se da vam se svidio ovaj post, i ako želite pripremiti kakve blagdanske poklone za svoje najmilije, pogledajte na Rosegal-u dobre ponude.

That's it for today. I wish you all the best and I hope you spend the holidays happily, with your loved ones. 


To bi bilo to ovaj put. Želim vam mnogo lijepih trenutaka idućih dana i da ih provedete sa svojim najmilijima u sreći.


Photographer (Fotograf) EMINA AVDIĆ

Top (Majica) - Rosegal
Handkerchief (Marama) - Rosegal
Heels (Štikle) - Rosegal ''Sold out''
Fur Coat ( Bunda) - ZAFUL ''Sold out''
Bag ( Torba) - Gamiss ''Sold out''
Pants (Hlače) - No info. 

Rosegal Crazy Shopping Day! 25% OFF With Coupon:RGBF1 

Merry Chritmas With Big Coupon
Enjoy 25% Discount with CODE: RGBF1

#Share Items and Get All Items Free: Click“share & get it free" Button share the items to social media and get it for free.


  1. i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:

    i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. one day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. i believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email:


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