Hello everyone.
I came up with a new outfit and a new theme. My post has the theme ''Gone'' and there is a reason why. My dream was always to travel around the world. But because I'm a student now, this dream is far away in the future, which I really hate. This year though, I got many chances to travel and most of them came true. Next month also, I will go to Czech Republic. My traveling is not the point of the theme, but it's the initiator of it. When I go somewhere else, wherever, another city or country, I get the feeling of running away from my duties and daily tasks. I just let everything be and get lost. It's like I'm just gone and that feeling of being gone is something that I started to love. The main initiator, causing me to love it, is myself, because I can't say no to new things. So I get myself into way too many things at once, which then makes me really stressed out. That's when I get the need to just run away. Have you ever watched the movie ''Paper Towns''? There is a girl named Marg, who always goes somewhere. No one knows where. She travels and loves the feeling of being gone, so no one can find her. I would love to have a life like that. We will see if I will make it true in the future, but as someone told me, if you think positive and say it will be, then it will be. If not, then something better will come up for sure. Because in life when something is taken away from you, you then get something other in return, which is as good or even better as the lost one. And besides the feeling of being gone, the things you see and learn with traveling are something that no one can learn or see in a book. Those are two different things, seeing something in a book and seeing something live with your own eyes. I heard something months ago from a really great person and that's: '' You should leave your comfort zone to be able to find true happiness and make your view of the world bigger.'' I did that and I've never been so happy in my entire life as I am now. I hope if you read this, that you recognize what you want and what makes you happy. Maybe you want to be gone like me too.
Ćao svima.
Došla sam sa novim outfitom i temom. Moj post ima temu ''Odlazak'' i ima razlog zašto se tako zove. Moj san je uvijek bio putovati po svijetu.Ali zato što sam sada još uvijek student, moje ostvarenje sna je sada daleko u budućnosti, što baš i ne volim. Ove godine ipak sam imala šanse da putujem i neke su se čak i ostvarile. Idući mjesec idem takođe za Češku. Moja putovanja nisu poenta ove teme, nego su pokretači. Kada odem negdje, bilo gdje, drugi grad ili državu, dobijem osjećaj kao da bježim od mojih obaveza i svakodnevnih zadataka. Jednostavno ostavim sve i nestanem. To je isto kao da sam otišla i taj osjećaj odlaženja sam zavolila. Glavni pokretač zbog kojeg sam to zavolila, jesam ja, jer ne znam reći ne novim stvarima. Tako sebe uvalim u mnogo stvari odjednom i onda budem baš pod stresom. Tada zaželim samo da pobjegnem negdje daleko. Jeste li ikad gledali film ''Paper Towns''? Tu je djevojka sa imenom Margo i ona uvijek negdje ode. Niko ne zna gdje. Putuje i voli osjećaj odlaska tako da je niko ne može naći. Voljela bih živjeti tako. Vidjeti ćemo hoću li to moći ostvariti u budućnosti, ali kako mi je neko rekao, ako razmišljaš pozitivno i kažeš da će tako biti, onda će i biti. Ako ne bude, onda će nešto bolje doći sigurno, jer u životu ako vam je nešto oduzeto, dobiti ćete onda zauzvrat nešto drugo, što je takođe dobro ili čak bolje od prethodnog. Pored osjećaja odlaska naravno, stvari koje vidite i naučite putovanjem su nešto što niko ne može naučiti i vidjeti u nekoj knjizi. To su dvije različite stvari, vidjeti nešto u knjizi i vidjeti to isto svojim očima uživo. Čula sam prije par mjeseci od jedne divne osobe jednu rečenicu koju ću sada citirati: '' Trebaš napustiti svoju komfort zonu da bi uspjela naći iskrenu sreću i raširiti svoje poglede na svijet.'' Učinila sam to i nikad nisam bila srećnija nego što sam sada. Nadam se da ćete čitajući ovo prepoznati ono što želite i što vas čini sretnim. Možda želite otići kao ja.
Today's post is about AMICLUBWEAR, which I mentioned in my last post too. Their shoes are fantastic. These Sandals I have on in this post just show how much style and quality AMICLUBWEAR has. I cooperated some time with them and they always toped my expectations. The link for the sandals is below and I also added the link for the sandals from my last post. Yesterday I looked at the new thigs they got, and you will love the new boots collection. I tried to find the links for the other thing I wear, but because I got them long time ago, they are now sold out like the bag and jumpsuit. On ZAFUL I found a simmilar jumpsuit like mine, which link you can find below. The jacket is bought in New Yorker and was on sale. Girls, you can imagine how happy I was when I bought it. Sadly it's sold out now, but don't worry, New Yorker gets some wonderful jackets every season.
Današnji post je o AMICLUBWEAR kojeg sam spomenula na mom prošlom postu. Obuća im je fantastična. Ove sandale koje nosim na postu pokazuju koliko mnogo stila i kvaliteta ima AMICLUBWEAR. S njima sam surađivala neko duže vrijeme i uvijek su prevazišli moja očekivanja. Link od sandala je na kraju i tu sam takođe dodala link on sandala od prošlog posta. Jučer sam gledala nove stvari koje su dobili i zaljubiti ćete se u njihovu novu kolekciju čizama. Probala sam pronaći linkove od drugih stvari koje nosim sada, ali dobila sam ih davno, tako da su sada rasprodane kao torba i kombinezon. Na ZAFUL-u sam pronašla sličan kombinezon kao ovaj što nosim na slikama i njegov link možete pronaći takođe na kraju. Jaknu sam kupila u New Yorker-u i bila je na sniženju. Djevojke, možete zamisliti koliko sam bila sretna kada sam je kupila. Nažalost je rasprodana, ali ne brinite, New Yorker uvijek donese nove divne jakne svake sezone.
I will finish my post now with a short sentence.
Find happiness!
Završiti ću ovaj post sa jednom kratkom rečenicom.
Pronađite sreću!
A big thanks to my amazing photographer EMINA AVDIĆ
Sve pohvale mom divnom fotografu EMINI AVDIĆ
Sandals ( Sandale ) - AMICLUBWEAR
Sandals/last post ( Sandale/prošli post ) - AMICLUBWEAR
Jumpsuit/similar ( Kombinezon/sličan ) - ZAFUL
Jacket ( Jakna ) - New Yorker
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