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It's never late to find yourself

How are you doing, my dears? 
Here I am. Again. I had plenty of time to think about the way I was going to make my next posts and I can't wait to show you all. I've learned so much from the people in the place I spent my time with and I'm forever grateful for everything. I could write you novels about how your views on the world should look like, your hopes and dreams, but I would just bore you with it and lets be real no one would listen anyways, because everyone learns the best from his own experiences. You will find yourself just after you overcome your good and bad experiences. You choose for yourself how you are going to make your life better and the way you are going to look at it. I'd wish for everyone of course, that its optimistic. I can affect it only this much in where I write posts of how I see and think about certain things, but its still on you how you are going to take my advice, or maybe something else that suits your more. I've learned that everything happens for a reason and that everyone acts like they do for a reason. A man learns something new every day. We learn from each other, by observing each other, by going through same situations, where everyone acts out different. A man is his own best guide. Some factors, like other people, can influence on him, but only to a certain extent, in which he forms his own character and goals. And one important thing is, if you haven't found yourself yet, it will come. Like we say, everyone is different and we all find ourselves in different ways. Everyone will have their moment, where they will feel relief, love and happiness. It's never too late to find yourself. And its normal that it demands bad, but good experiences in life too, which everyone has to go through.

Kako ste mi dragi moji?
Evo me. Tu sam ponovo. Imala sam mnogo vremena da razmislim o tome kako ću uraditi moje sljedeće postove i jedva čekam da vam sve pokažem. Toliko toga sam naučila od ljudi iz mjesta gdje sam bila i mnogo sam im zahvalna na svemu. Mogla bih vam sada pisati romane o tome kako da gledate na svijet, svoje želje i ciljeve, ali samo bih vas smorila i ako ćemo realno o tome, nećete me ni poslušati, jer svako uči iz svojih odluka i činova. Sami ćete sebe pronaći poslije dobrih i loših doživljaja u životu. Sami za sebe ćete odlučiti kako želite da učinite svoj život boljim i kako ćete posmatrati čitav svijet, voljela bih da je naravno pozitivno, ja mogu uticati samo malo na to i to tako da vam napišem kako ja razmišljam i posmatram sve, a do vas je da li ćete osjećati isto kao ja ili možda ipak nešto drugo što vama više paše. Naučila sam da je sve u životu s razlogom i da je svako onakav kakav jeste sada sa razlogom. Čovjek uči svaki dan nešto novo, a osoba ili bolje reći osobe od kojih učimo svi jesmo mi. Učimo jedni od drugih, gledajući jedne druge, prolazeći kroz neke situacije gdje svako drugačije odluči i želi. Čovjek je sam sebi učitelj, na njega mogu samo uticati neki faktori poput drugih ljudi, ali ne toliko da ih posluša, već da sam stvori svoj karakter i želje. I još nešto što je važno jeste da ako niste sebe do sada pronašli, misleći na ciljeve, želje i život koji bi voljeli da imate, pronaći ćete nekada. Kao što kažem svi smo različiti i svi se pronalazimo drugačije. Neko ranije, neko kasnije. Doći će svakom njegov trenutak gdje će osjećati olakšanje i ljubav i radost što je baš takav kakav jeste. Nikad nije kasno da se pronađete, i taj pronalazak traži vrijeme i dosta loših ,ali i dobrih događaja u životu koje svaka osoba mora da proživi.

What kind of post would this be, if I wouldn't talk about the clothes I'm wearing in it. Hereby I want to apologize to ZAFUL for making this post later than intended. With all the reasons, being in my last post "New Place, New Dreams", I didn't have the time to make it earlier. Like you already know, if you follow my blog and instagram, ZAFUL is one of my favorite online stores and my post of course has to have something from them. I'd call my self a true #zafugirl. Today's post includes a bikini from them and a gorgeous skirt, which fits perfect with it. The bikini is fantastic and ZAFUL is well known for their bikinis. They a big variety of them and the prices are just too good to be true. I'd recommend you to check them out. Especially now since they are on sale, because summer is almost over.
 You will notice on my last photos, that I keep wearing my sandals and no boots. I wanted to show you these delightful, elegant sandals which I got, including a bag, from AMICLUBWEAR. Just like ZAFUL, AMICLUBWEAR is another one of my favorite online stores. The prices are amazing, and the quality of the shoes for them are way too good.

Kakav bi bio post ako ne pričam malo o odjeći koju nosim na sebi. Ovim putem ću se izviniti ZAFUL-u što sam post prilično kasno objavila, jer zbog svojih razloga koje sam navela u prošlom postu '' New Place, New Dreams'' nisam uspjela prije. Kao što već znate ako ste me pratili na blogu i instagramu, ZAFUL je jedna od mojih omiljenih online trgovina i naravno post mora imati barem nešto od njih. Proglasila bih se kao #zafulgirl. Današnji post sadrži bikini koji je naravno od njih i predivna suknja koja se baš divno uklopila u moju ideju ovog posta. Bikini je fantastičan i ZAFUL je baš poznat po svojim bikinijima, jer imaju najljepše od svih koje sam vidjela, a i cijene su top. Preporučujem vam da pogledate pogotovo sada kada su akcije, jer je već ljeto prošlo.
Primjetiti ćete da na zadnjim slikama imam sandale, a ne čizme. Htjela sam da vam pokažem divne elegantne sandale koje sam dobila od AMICLUBWEAR i torbicu uz njih. Kao što mi je ZAFUL omiljena online trgovina , tako je i AMICLUBWEAR. Cijene su super, a kvalitet obuće koji dobijete je savršen uz to.

That would be all for today. I did not want to burden you with a lot of text, because the pictures alone say a lot of the change I experienced in finding myself. I hope and wish for you all, that you all are happy and pleased with yourself and that you show that with pride. 

I will write to you soon. Can't wait to read your comments. 

Kisses, Amra.

To bi bilo to za danas. Nisam želila da vas mnogo opterećujem tekstom, jer slike same govore i pokazuje moju promjenu i način na koji ističem da sam napokon pronašla se i shvatila kakva sam i šta želim u životu. Nadam se i mnogo želim svima da su sretni sa sobom i da to pokažu s ponosom.

Uskoro vam pišem ponovo i jedva čekam čitati vaše komentare.



Bikini - ZAFUL
Skirt ( Suknja ) - ZAFUL Sold out (Rasprodana)
Sandals ( Sandale ) - AMICLUBWEAR
Bag ( Torba ) - AMICLUBWEAR
The other things (hat,boots,jacket) are bought long time ago in shops which brand aren't popular.
Ostale stvari (šešir, čizme, jakna) su kupljene davno i u trgovinama čija marka nije popularna.


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