Hello my dears.
How are you? How do you feel these days? If you think why is my post themed ''Time for pink'', that's because Valentine's is coming soon and you know that everything is pink and red then. These two colours are the most important ones that can't miss Valentine. Today I will present you a pink dress from ZAFUL. There are going to be more posts about Valentine soon which will have amazing outfits and items. I hope you won't get bored with me and all the love talk. Especially because I'm not good with love, but I'm a dreamer and I have a hope that this point in my life will be pink and red and full of positiv feelings. If you are a girl like me, than don't worry, you are not alone.
Zdravo dragi moji.
Kako ste? Kako se osjećate ovih dana? Ako razmišljate, zašto je moja tema posta ''Vrijeme je za roze'', to je zato što će uskoro Valentinovo i znate da je sve tada roze i crveno. Ove dvije boje su najbitnije boje koje ne smiju propustiti Valentinovo. Danas ću vam predstaviti roza haljinu od ZAFUL-a. Bit će uskoro još dosta postova o Valentinovu koji će sadržati sjajne outfit-e i stvari. Nadam se da vam neću dosaditi kao i sva priča o ljubavi. Posebno jer nisam dobra sa ljubavlju, ali sam maštar i imam nade da će ta tačka u mom životu biti roza i crvena i puna pozitivnih osjećaja. Ako ste djevojke kao ja, onda se ne brinite, niste jedine.
So, the pink dress from ZAFUL is really great. I mean it fits so well with all the Valentines vibes. Don't you agree? The cut of the sleeves is so georgeous and unusuall. When I wear this dress, I feel like I'm full of love, and a happy feeling just radiates out of me. I feel beautiful. Isn't it the point of wearing clothes that makes you feel you are beautiful and something special? For me it is! The name of my blog is Make your perfect style. Have you thought what that means? It means that you wear things you like, do things you want and be yourself and with all that you make your style, your perfect style. And this dress from ZAFUL gives me the feeling that it's my style. I ordered some more beautiful things from ZAFUL which you will see soon. I always say that ZAFUL is great and my favourite online shop, so I won't be boring for you and say it on every post I make. They just never disappoint me.
The beautiful golden heels and the flower printed bag are also from ZAFUL. As I said, they are really my favourite online shop. I recommend you to buy this heels if you need elegant ones which have a great look and are comfortable. I will make a post soon and they will be in it as a part of an amazing outfit that I made and of course, there will be only ZAFUL items.
I wanted something that is a little bit eye catching, so I used this bag. It's a very cute bag and it's colours are black and white, which are easy to combine with other coulours and things. That makes the bag more usefull even though it's a small cute bag. Small thing can be greater than you thought.
That's it for the outfit today. I tried my best to show you every items beautifulness and I hope you saw that.
Eh, roza haljina od ZAFUL-a je stvarno divna. Mislim, tako dobro pristaje za sve ove valentinovske vibracije. Smatrate li to isto? Kroj rukava je predivan i neobičan. Kada nosim ovu haljinu, osjećam se kao da sam puna ljubavi i sretni osjećaji jednostavno izlaze iz mene . Osjećam se lijepo. Zar nije to poenta u nošenju odjeće koja vas čini da se osjećate lijepim i posebnim? Meni jeste! Naziv bloga mi je Make your perfect style ( Napravite svoj savršeni stil). Da li ste razmišljali šta to znači? Znači da nosite stvari koje se vama sviđaju, radite stvari koje vi želite i budete svoji. Sa tim svim pravite svoj stil, svoj savršeni stil. I ova haljina iz ZAFUL-a mi daje osjećaj da je moj stil. Naručila sam još mnogo lijepih stvari iz ZAFUL-a koje ćete vidjeti uskoro. Uvijek kažem da mi je ZAFUL odličan i moja omiljena online trgovina, tako da neću biti dosadna i to ponavljati na svakom postu koji napravim. Oni me jednostavno nikad ne razočaraju.
Ove prelijepe zlatne štikle i torba sa cvjetnim printom su takođe iz ZAFUL-a. Kako sam već rekla, oni jesu moja omiljena online trgovina. Preporučujem vam da kupite ove štikle ako vam trebaju jedne elegantne koje imaju sjajan izgled i koje su udobne. Napraviti ću uskoro post i one će biti u njemu kao dio mog divnog outfit-a, i naravno, tu će biti takođe samo ZAFUL stvari.
Htjela sam nešto što privlači oči, pa sam koristila ovu torbu. Torba je veoma slatka i boje su joj crna i bijela, koje se lahko kombinuju sa drugim bojama i stvarima. To čini torbu još korisnom pored toga što je slatka i mala. Male stvari mogu biti bolje nego što mislite.
To je to za ovaj outfit danas. Trudila sam se što sam bolje mogla da vam pokažem ljepotu svake stvari i nadam se da ste to i vidjeli.
I would be happy if you comment your opinions and impressions below and I wish you a great and sucessfull weekend.
Bila bih jako sretna kada bi komentarisali vaša mišljenja i utiske ispod i želim vam takođe divan i uspješan vikend.
Dress (Haljiina) - ZAFUL
Bag (Torba) - ZAFUL
Heels (Štikle) - ZAFUL
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