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Last snow

Hello everyone!
Did you have a rough week like me? My everday life was to study for the exams and to eat and eat. I'm very exhausted, but I barely found some time to make this post. I had luck and got the perfect time when it was snowing outside. I wanted to wear higheels and one other similar outfit, but I didn't want to get a cold because of it, so I decided on this one. I hope you will like it. It's casual what I like. 

Zdravo svima!
Da li ste imali tešku sedmicu kao ja? Moj svakodnevni život je bio učenje za ispite i samo jesti i jesti. Baš sam umorna, ali sam našla jedva malo vremena da napravim ovaj post. Sreća mi se nasmiješila i uspjela sam napraviti fotke u pravo vrijeme, i to kada je padao snijeg. Htjela sam obuti štikle i drugi sličan outfit, ali nisam željela dobiti prehladu zbog toga, tako da sam se odlučila za ovaj outfit. Nadam se da vam se sviđa. Kežual je zbog čega mi se još više sviđa.

I love the colour purpel and so I wore this purple blouse from ZAFUL. I love it, do you? It's so easy to combine it with various outfits and also the lace is elegant and sexy even though my outfit is far from sexy. The material is also great. I washed the blouse 3-4 times and thougth it will rip apart becase the lace feels really thin, but it didn't. This post is all about the blouse so I won't describe the other things. Not just because of that, some of them you can't find on internet, just similar ones because I bought them in a shop and the other ones you can find in my previous posts. 

Volim ljubičastu boju i zbog toga sam obukla ovu bluzu od ZAFUL-a. Volim je, a vi? Lako ju je kombinovati za različitim outfitima i ćipka je elegantna i seks, iako je moj outfit daleko od seksi. Materijal je takođe odličan. Oprala sam bluzu 3-4 puta i mislila sam da će se poderati jer se ćipka čini tanka, ali nije. Ovaj post je samo o bluzi, tako da neću opisivati druge stvari. Nije samo zbog toga. Neke od stvari nećete moći naći na internetu, samo slične jer sam ih kupila u trgovinama. Ostale također možete pronaći na mojim ostalim postovima.

That's it for todays post and I hope you will be patient to wait for the next two outfit posts,because one of them will be one of my favourites. I wish you luck with your exams if you have them like me this month. 

Till next time.


To je to za današnji post i nadam se da ćete biti strpljivi dok čekate moja iduća dva outfit posta, jer će jedan biti moj omiljeni. Želim vam sreću sa vašim ispitima ako ih imate, kao ja ovog mjeseca.

Do idućeg puta.


Blouse (Bluza) - ZAFUL


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