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Gothic lolita

Hello everybody! 
I just found some time to show you my new post. The theme is „Gothic lolita“, and you can already see it by the pictures. Halloween is over which makes me sad because I planned to post this on that day. My outfit is quite dark and with a little bit of make-up and fake blood, it would be perfect for that day. Actually, when I think of it, I don't need Halloween so I can wear this style. I enjoyed wearing this wonderful lace skirt with a lace shirt, and their black color doesn't make them boring, it makes them even more special. Not to forget, the boots from AMICLUBWEAR cought my attention. They completed my outfit with their color and looks in general.

Zdravo svima!
Upravo sam našla vremena da vam pokažem svoj novi post. ''Gothic lolita'' je tema ovog posta i možete odmah znati i zašto po slikama. Prošao je Helloween što me čini tužnom jer sam planirala objaviti ovaj post za taj dan. Outfit mi je baš mračan i sa malo šminke i krvi bi bio savršen za taj praznik. Zapravo, kada malo bolje razmislim, ne treba mi Helloween da mogu profurati ovaj stil oblačenja. Uživala sam noseći ovu divnu čipkanu suknju sa čipkanom majicom, jer čak i njihova crna boja ih ne čini dosadnim, nego posebnim. Pored svega, pažnju danas dajem ovim divnim čizmicama iz AMICLUBWEAR-a. One su upotpunile outfit svojom bojom i izgledom. 
A few months ago I already made a post with AMICLUBWEAR („Dare to“) shoes where I got amazing sneakers which I wore many times, and many times they saved my outfit with their beauty. This time I ordered boots. The ones I present you today, and another pair which you'll see in the next post. Again, I'm amazed by the quality and beauty of the boots. I absolutely have nothing bad to say about them, nor the AMICLUBWEAR in general. They will always be my favorite when it comes to shoes. The delivery was quick and without any problems. When I opened the package, I saw the boots that I'm wearing on the pictures, I already knew which combo I will make with them. I remembered my lace skirt that I wore only once and that for my eighteenth birthday. I don't know why I didn't wear it more often, but I will definitely change that. Unfortunately, I bought it here and not online. If you are interested in such skirts, there a lot of similar ones online or someone can make one for you. I think it's not that hard to make it, when the material is of good quality. With it, I wore my lace shirt. At first, I thought it won't fit together, but there you go, it's a perfect match. There are some differences that make the whole thing special. Since everything is dark, I got this bag with golden details and golden jewerly to kill the darkness a little bit. I bought all of this in my town. Bosnian marks are unfamiliar to me and I think it won't help much of I wrote them here for you. I don't want to bother you with unnecessary stories, you can see everything on the picture, and it's like that in real life.

Prije par mjeseci sam već imala post sa AMICLUBWEAR obućom (''Dare to'') gdje sam dobila odlične patike koje sam mnogo puta obula i mnogo puta su mi spasile outfit svojom ljepotom. Ovaj put sam naručila čizme. Ove danas što vam predstavljam i još jedne koje ćete vidjeti u narednom post-u. I ovaj put sam oduševljena kvalitetom i ljepotom čizmica. Nemam apsolutno ništa loše reći za njih, niti za AMICLUBWEAR. Uvijek će mi biti omiljeni po pitanju obuće. Dostava je bila takođe brza i bez problema. Otvorivši paket i ugledavši prvo ove čizme koje nosim na ovim slikama, znala sam odmah uz šta ću ih kombinirati. Sjetila sam se svoje čipkane suknje koju sam samo jednom u životu nosila i to za svoj osamnaesti rođendan. Ne znam tačno zašto je nisam nosila još koji put, ali definitivno ću to promijeniti. Nju sam nažalost kupila ovdje, a ne preko interneta. Ako želite ovakvu ima dosta sličnih na ovim svim online stranicama što sam vam pričala ili jednostavno odete nekome da vam skroji. Mislim da je nije teško skrojiti ako je kvalitetan materijal. Uz nju sam obuikla cipkanu majicu. Prvo sam mislila da se neće slagati čipka mnogo, ali eto slaže se. Ima malih razlika koje čine sve posebnim. Pošto mi je sve tamno, uzela sam ovu torbicu sa zlatnim detaljima i zlatni nakit da malo ubije tu tamnost. Takođe, sve sam to kupila ovdje u svom gradu. Marke su meni nepoznate i mislim da vam ne bi bilo ni od pomoći kada bih ovdje ih napisala. Ne želim vas više smarati još nekim nepotrebnim pričama, jer sve što vidite na slici, tako je i uživo. 

Thank you for your attention and your time for reading my post. Visit the site AMICLUBWEAR and believe me, you won't regret it, specially now that the prices are lowered. You can follow it on instagram as well, @amiclubwear

A big thank you to my wonderful photographer EMINA AVDIĆ for always having time to take pictures of me, even though she is very busy with college and other personal responsibilities. You can follow here as well on instagram (@eminaavdic_bp). 


Greetings from my side, until next time.

 Lots of kisses,

Hvala vam na pažnji i vremenu koje ste odvojili da pročitate i pogledate ovaj post. Posjetite stranicu AMICLUBWEAR i vjerujte nećete se pokajati pogotovo sada kada su cijene snižene. Možete ih takođe zapratiti na instagramu @amiclubwear .

Hvala mojoj divnoj fotografkinji EMINI AVDIĆ što uvijek ima vremena da me slika, pored fakulteta i svojih obaveza. I nju možete zapratiti na Instagramu (@eminaavdic_bp ). 


Lijepe pozdrave vam želim do idućeg puta.



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