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Auntie Love

You already know my niece Sara. I love her so much so I wanted to make a post with her. It was so fun to do the photos with her. She made some really funny poses. We have similar blouses, but her's is definetly cuter. Sara's blouse is from GAMISS like my heels. My blouse and skirt are from Rosegal like the jewelry I wear. As you can see, we wear mini skirts and formal shirts which Rosegal has plenty. Only the bag is from a third shop, Shein. Sara is so cute, so I tried to wear something cute. Did I do it right? I will go on vacation next week and won't be able to post for more than 3 months but before that I will make one last post. I hope you will patiently wait for me to come back and see more of my combinations.

I wish you beautiful summer days,

Već znate moju bratišnu Saru. Volim je mnogo i zbog toga sam odlučila napraviti post s njom. Bilo je mnogo zabavno slikati se s njom. Pravila je stvarno smiješne poze. Imamo slične košulje, ali njezina je definitivno slađa. Sarina košulja je iz GAMISS-a kao moje štikle. Moja košulja i suknja su iz Rosegal-a kao i nakit koji nosim. Kako vidite, nosimo mini suknje i jednostavne košulje koje Rosegal ima mnogo. Jedino je torba iz treće trgovine, Shein. Sara je tako slatka da sam pokušala nositi nešto slatko takođe. Jesam li dobro uradila? Odlazim na odmor sljedeće sedmice i neću moći objavljivati ništa 3 mjeseca, ali prije toga uraditi ću još jedan post. Nadam se da ćete me strpljivo čekati i vidjeti još mnogo mojih kombinacija.

Želim vam preljepe ljetne dane,

Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdić

Blouse (Košulja) - Rosegal 
Sara's blouse ( Sarina košulja) - GAMISS
Skirt (Suknja) - Rosegal
Jewelry set (Nakit) - Rosegal
Heels (Štikle) - GAMISS
Bag (Torba) - Shein (Sold out - Rasprodana)


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