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Old but gold

How are you my beauties?
Does the spring make you happy like me? I love this time when the flowers are in the focus and also when the days are warm and sunny. I feel so refreshed these days. I found myself again. I read your comments every time from every post. They are very beautiful and nice. Thank you, but even though you like my outfits I don't really like them very much. When you look at my blog better I lost something important to me from one post to another. That's the passion and love I put on my outfits. I started to become somehow strict and boring from post to post. Maybe it doesn't look like it, but I feel it. I wanted to change that and I'm soo happy now. I became Amra that I was on the first posts. ''Old but Gold'' is the name of this post and it means that you should never lose yourself, if you do, than try to find yourself again like I am doing now. I hope you will see the old Amra in this post.

Kako ste lijepi moji?
Da li vas čini proljeće sretnim kao mene? Volim ovo vrijeme kada je cvijeće u fokusu i kada su dani topli i sunčani. Ovih dana se osjećam tako osvježenom. Pronašla sam se ponovo. Svaki put čitam vaše komentare na svakom post-u. Lijepi su i fini. Hvala vam, ali pored tog što vam se sviđaju moji outfit-i, meni se nisu toliko dopadali. Kada pogledate bolje moj blog, izgubila sam nešto posebno za mene od jednog post-a do drugog. To je moja strast i ljubav koju stavljam na moje outfit-e. Počela sam biti nekako stroga i dosadna od post-a do post-a. Možda ne izgleda tako, ali osjećam to. Htjela sam promjeniti to i sada se osjećam jako sretnom. Postala sam Amra koja je bila na prvom post-u. ''Staro ali zlatno'' je tema ovog post-a i to znači da nikada sebe ne izgubite, ako to učinite, onda se vratite kao što sam ja sada. Nadam se da ćete vidjeti staru Amru u ovom post-u.

This beautiful outfit I have on me is from two really nice and great online shops I work for so long. ZAFUL with its amazing unique style and Rosegal with its beautiful clothes. Please check their websites, you will not regret it. In this post I want to tell them that I'm really thankfull for everything they have done for me, and also for their big heart and love for what they do. Thanks to them I regularly have so much inspiration for new styles. When you see their clothes, than you will understand what I mean.
I will start from the top. The earrings are from ZAFUL. Really beautiful as you see and also good quality. You can combine them with elegant and casual styles. The blouse is also from ZAFUL. I love it!! I think this is my favourite clothing piece in my closet. I love the print and the shape. My profesor said that I look exotic in it and I love that compliment. The material is nice and great for warm days. It's thin so it won't be hot for you if you wear it. I combined the blouse with this beautiful pink skirt from Rosegal. The shape of it remainds me on the skirts and dresses that girls wore in the past in 1940. Thinking about this I feel ladylike and sexy too. I know what's your question. Why sexy? I really don't know. I just feel like it because in the past girls didn't show so much skin and men could only imagine how their legs,chest and other features look like. That's very provocatively. The material from the skirt is really thin so you can see through, but that's not a problem if you have an underskirt. My opinion is that skirts like this are better in brighter colours.
 What would I look like if I don't put on something eye catching. Here is it the bag wich I combined with the same colour flats. The bag is from GAMISS and I used it on my first post ever. I used it now again because I wanted to express the thing I said in the beginning. I'm going to be true to my style like on the begining. The bag is great and also has good quality. If you want to see it more than go to my first post ''Stripes lover''. The flats are from Rosegal and the last item on this post and outfit today. I fell in love with them from the begining and that is when they were just a picture on the laptop. I bought them really cheap and I can't belive how great the material and quality are. They look much more expensive than their price that really is on Rosegal. The details on them makes them even more attractive. We will have a wonderful life together. Beside these great items on me, ZAFUL and Rosegal have many other great stuff. Rosegal also has mens and kids clothes. Go see it yourself.

Ovaj prelijepi outfit na meni je iz dvije veoma fine i i odlične online trgovina sa kojima radim već dugo. ZAFUL sa svojim unikatnim stilom i Rosegal sa svojom prelijepom odjećom. Molim vas posjetite njihove stranice, nećete se pokajati. U ovom postu želim im reći kako sam jako zahvalna za sve što su učinili za mene i za njihovo veliko srce i ljubav prema onome što rade. Zahvaljujući njima imam često inspiracije za nove stilove. Shvatiti ćete šta mislim kada pogledate njihovu odjeću.
Početi ću s vrha. Naušnice su iz ZAFUL-a. Veoma lijepe kako vidite i dobrog su kvaliteta. Možete ih kombinovati sa elegantnim, ali također i sa ležernim stilom. Bluza je također iz ZAFUL-a. Volim je!! Mislim da mi je ovo najdraži odjevni predmet u ormaru. Volim njezin print i oblik. Profesorica je rekla kako izgledam egzotično u njoj i veoma mi se dopada taj kompliment. Materijal je dobar i odličan za tople dane. Veoma je tanak, tako da vam neće biti toplo kada je nosite. Kombinovala sam je sa ovom divnom rozom suknjom iz Rosegal-a. Oblik suknje me podsjeća na suknje i haljine koje su djevojke nosile u prošlosti u 1940. Razmisljajući o ovome osjećam se kao dama i seksi. Znam koje vam je pitanje u glavi. Zašto seksi? Ne znam ni ja stvarno, samo osjećam to, jer u prošlosti nisu djevojke mnogo pokazivale kože, zbog čega muškarcima preostaje da zamišljaju oblik  nogu, grudi i druge osobine kod djevojke. To je veoma provokantno. Materijal suknje je veoma tanak, tako da možete vidjeti kroz nju, ali to ne predstavlja veliki problem ako imate podsuknju. Moje mišljenje je da ovakve sunje izgledaju bolje kada su u svijetlijim bojama.
Kako bih izgledala da ne nosim nešto upadljivo? To je ovdje ova torba koju sam kombinovala sa cipelicama iste boje. Torba je iz GAMISS-a i koristila sam je na prvom post-u. Koristim je sada baš da izrazim ono što sam rekla na početku, želim biti vjerna sebi kao na početku. Torba je super i također ima dobar kvalitet. Ako želite je bolje vidjeti, posjetite post ''Ljubiteljica pruga''. Cipelice su iz Rosegal-a i zadnji odjevni predmet za ovaj post i outfit. Zaljubila sam se u njih odmah prvi dan kada sam ih ugledala i to kada su bile samo slika na laptopu. Platila sam ih skroz jeftino i ne mogu da vjerujem koliko je materijal i kvalitet dobar. Izgledaju mnogo skuplje nego što zaista jesu na Rosegal-u. Detalji na njima ih čine još atraktivnijim. Imati ćemo divan život zajedno. Pored ovih divnih stvari na meni, ZAFUL i Rosegal imaju još mnogo toga. Rosegal ima čak mušku i dječiju odjeću. Kliknite i pogledajte sami.

Befor I forget it, please don't focus your eyes only on me, take a look at the great trees and blossoms. Enjoy the spring before it's over. 


Prije nego što zaboravim, molim vas ne fokusirajte oči samo na mene, nego i na prelijepa stabla i behar. Uživajte u proljeću prije nego što se završi.


Photographer (Fotograf) Amna 

Earrings (Naušnice) - ZAFUL
Blouse (Bluza) - ZAFUL
Skirt (Suknja) - Rosegal
Bag (Torba) - GAMISS
Flats (Cipelice) - Rosegal


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