Did you miss me? Wow, it has been a month since my last post. I've got exams and today was the last one for this month. It means I'm goinog to make more posts and reviews for you about some very great online shops. Just wait and you will see. Also, I'm very tired of learning so I took some time off and used it to take these photos. I think you noticed I changed a bit. It's the hair. I'm blonde now. I just wanted something new so what can help more than to change the hair color. At first I looked weird to myself, but after some time it was like I was always blonde. Apart from the hair color, I think that I changed somehow in another way too. I feel that I changed some things that I do and talk about. Sometimes I've got the feeling that I became a boring person. Maybe it's because I was studying so much during the past weeks so I feel like a nerd. Lol.
Jeste li me poželjeli? Wow, prošao je mjesec od mog zadnjeg posta. Imala sam ispite i danas je bio zadnji ispit za ovaj mjesec. To znači da ću napraviti još mnogo postova i recenzija za vas o sjajnim online trgovinama. Sačekajte i vidjeti ćete. Također sam umorna od učenja, pa sam uzela malo vremena i iskoristila ga za slikanje. Mislim da ste primjetili moju promjenu. Kosa je u pitanju. Sada sam plavuša. Htjela sam nešto novo i šta će više pomoći nego promjena boje kose. Prvo mi je bilo čudno gledati se, ali nakon nekog vremena bilo je kao da sam uvijek bila plavuša. Pored kose, mislim da sam se promjenila na neki način u drugom smislu. Osjećam da sam promjenila neke stvari koje radim i o kojima pričam. Nekada imam osjećaj da sam postala dosadna osoba. Možda jer sam učila previše proteklih sedmica pa se osjećam kao štreber. Lol.
First of all. Do you like my outfit? I've got it from Rose Wholesale. I saw these items on their online shop (www.rosewholesale.com) and the outfit was just in my head, so I ordered it. I will start with the coat. It's very nice. The material is soft. I love the details on the left side behind the coat's pocket. They make the coat more lively and eye chatcing and not just a gray long coat. Yeah, the color is gray, more like light gray. Maybe you can't see it well in the photos. The pockets on the coat are big enough to put your hands in and also to put things like mobile phone, wallet etc. It's not great for cold days, but when it's warmer you can wear it. The white blouse is just an ordinary blouse. It has some details like those on the sleeves. The material is very thin and it's more like a summer blouse. I loved how it suits with the outfit so I wore it. The jeans are so great. Firstly the material is great and it has a good quality. Second, the stripe details on them and the ribbon which can help you to tight them up, makes them very unique and eye chatcing. They are casual and comfortable. If you want some different jeans and not the normal boring ones, buy these ones. The boots are from the shop Rosegal, but Rose Wholesale have some similar to them too (click here). I used them on my previous post ''Black and white''. You can see them better now because of the snow. I really love them. Also I learned how to walk in them. It's quiet great because I can wear them more. The bag and the jewelry are the only ones that are not form Rose Wholesale. They are from Shein. The bag was included in my previous post ''Happy New Year''. You can see it better there. I bought the sunglasses on Rose Wholesale. Good quality and beautiful print on the frame.
Prije svega, Da li vam se sviđa moj outfit? Dobila sam ga od Rose Wholesale-a. Vidjela sam ove stvari na njihovoj online trgovni (www.rosewholesale.com) i ovaj outfit mi se prikazao odmah u glavi, tako da sam ga naručila. Počet ću sa kaputom. Veoma je lijep. Materijal je nježan i mekan. Volim detalje na lijevoj strani iznad džepa. Čine kaput veselijim i privlačnijim za oko, tako da ne izgleda kao obični dugi sivi kaput. Da, boja je siva. Više svijetlo siva. Možda nećete baš mnogo primjetiti na slikama. Džepovi na kaputu su dovoljno veliki da stavite u njima svoje ruke ili neke druge stvarčice poput mobitela, novčanika itd. Nije pogodan za hladne dane, ali čim bude toplije, možete ga nositi. Bijela bluza je samo obična bluza. Ima malo detalja kao naprimjer na rukavima. Materijal je tanak i više je ljetna. Sviđalo mi se kako ide uz ovaj moj outfit pa sam je zato i obukla. Farmerke su tako divne. Kao prvo, materijal je odličnog kvaliteta. Kao drugo, pruge na njima i traka koja vam može pomoći da ih stegnete, čine ih veoma unikatnim i privlačnim za oko. Kauzalne su i udobne. Ako želite drugačije farmerke i ne one obične dosadne, kupite ove. Čizme su od Rosegal-a, ali i Rose Wholesale ima slične (klikni ovdje). Koristila sam ih u mom postu ''Crno i bijelo'' . Možete ih bolje uočiti sada zbog snijega. Stvarno ih volim. Takođe sam naučila hodati u njima. To je krasno jer ih sada mogu češće nositi. Torba i nakit su jedine stvari koje nisu iz Rose Wholesale-a. Oni su iz Shein-a. Torba je bila dio mog prošlog posta ''Sretna Nova Godina''. Možete je bolje vidjeti tamo. Kupila sam naočale na Rose Wholesale-u. Dobar kvalitet i veoma lijepe šare na okviru.
That's it for this time. I hope you enjoyed the outfit and also I hope that I inspired you with it (don't forget to write your comments). Visit Rose Wholesale, you won't regert it. I will be back in a week or so with the new outfit and maybe a change or not. We will see.
To je to za ovaj put. Nadam se da ste uživali u outfitu i da sam vas s njim inspirisala (ne zaboravite napisati komentar). Posjetite Rose Wholesale, nećete se kajati. Vraćam se za sedmicu ili tako sa novim outfitom i možda sa još nekom promjenom ili ne. Vidjeti ćemo.
Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdić
Coat (Kaput) - Rose Wholesale
Blouse (Bluza)- Rose Wholesale (Sold out- Rasprodana)
Jeans (Farmerice)- Rose Wholesale (Sold out- Rasprodane)
Sunglasses (Naočale)- Rose Wholesale
Boots (Čizme)- Rose Wholesale (Similar-Slične) & Rosegal
Bag (Torba)- Shein
Earrings (Naušnice)- Shein (Sold out- Rasprodane)
Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdić
Coat (Kaput) - Rose Wholesale
Blouse (Bluza)- Rose Wholesale (Sold out- Rasprodana)
Jeans (Farmerice)- Rose Wholesale (Sold out- Rasprodane)
Sunglasses (Naočale)- Rose Wholesale
Boots (Čizme)- Rose Wholesale (Similar-Slične) & Rosegal
Bag (Torba)- Shein
Earrings (Naušnice)- Shein (Sold out- Rasprodane)
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