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ZAFUL REVIEW: Into something new

Hello again!

Finally, here comes another post. My lectures at university have started, so it's really hard to find time for my blog, but here am I. The main topic itself ( ''Into something new'') says that I started a new life and new expiriences are coming with it. Since I'm a student at university now, I started to live in another city now and I meet so many new people. The city is pretty big, which allows me to get great chances to find many new, beautiful  places for taking pictures and also to see many people who have already inspired me with their style. So, in the near future, you can expect many interesting posts.

Zdravo opet!

Evo napokon još jednog posta. Krenula sam na fakultet, pa je teško naći vremena za blog,ali tu sam. Sama naslovna tema (''Into something new''- ''U nešto novo'') govori da sam se upustila u novi život i nove doživljaje. Počela sam živjeti zbog fakulteta u novom gradu i upoznala sam mnogo novih ljudi. Grad je prilično velik,što mi je pružilo priliku da pronađem mnogo novih,lijepih mjesta za fotografisanje kao i mnogo ljudi koji su me svojim stilom inspirisali. Tako da ubuduće,očekujte još mnogo zanimljivih postova kao i outfita.

Probably, you had noticed on the photos that my outfit is different form the ones before. Even my best friend told me that this outfit doesn't look like me, because I always wore elegant or boho styles. Now, this outfit has puncker details, but I couldn't resist, so I had to add something in boho style and those are my boots.

The main theme of this post is ZAFUL. Online shop which impressed me with its fast delivery and with its quality. The package arrived in 3 weeks without any problems. There were these beautiful boots that I fell in love with immediately and everyone asked me about them. The quality of those boots is really good and they're very light. Because of their black color, it's easy to combine them with various outfits and if you are a boho style lover like me, then they are definetly the right boots for you and for Fall. Beside the boots, I've got this bomber jacket with a flower print. At the moment, the bomber jackets are popular and you won't make a mistake if you buy one of them. The quality of jacket is good as well .Of course,every outfit needs a bag. I'm a big fan of purses but for this time I chose a backpack because of university ,but it can be very practical in other things to. Beside that, the backpack looks really nice, for me it looks cool and the material is very strong and like everything else, it has a good quality. Necklaces are also popular like this one I wear. I got it also from ZAFUL and before the post I wore it many times and everyone liked it. 

Probably, you are interested in the sizes they got. So, all the sizes which are writen on the website are realistic. Nothing was too small or too big for me. I got the exactly same sizes I ordered. So it's important for you to measure yourself well and look on their site what size is perfect for you. I've got the pants, T-shirt, sunglasses and bracelet from Shein and with them my outfit is complete.

Vjerovatno ste primjetili na slikama, da mi je styling baš suprotan od ostalih do sada. Moja najbolja drugarica mi je čak i rekla da ovaj outfit ne liči na mene, jer sam uvijek nosila elegantan ili boho stil. Ovaj outfit trenutno ima panker detalje, ali nisam mogla odoliti, morala sam nešto dodati u boho stilu, a to su čizme.

Glavna tema ovog posta je ZAFUL. Online trgovina koja me je oduševila svojom brzom poštom kao i kvalitetom. Paket je došao za 3 sedmice, bez problema. U njemu su bile ove divne čizme u koje sam se odmah zaljubila i svi su me pitali za njih. Jako su kvalitetne i lake. Jer su crne, lako ih je kombinovati uz razne outfite i ako ste ljubitelj boho stila kao ja, onda su definitivno prave čizme za vas za ovu jesen. Pored čizama, dobila sam ovu jaknu sa cjetnim printom. Trenutno su u trendu ove jakne i nećete pogriješiti ako je kupite. I ona je veoma kvalitetna. Naravno uz svaki outfit ne smije faliti torbi. Ljubitelj sam torbi na jedno rame, ali ovaj put sam se odlučila za ruksak zbog fakulteta, a i jako je praktičan za druge stvari. Pored praktičnosti, stvarno lijepo izgleda, veoma mi je kul i materijal je čvrst i kao i sve ostalo veoma kvalitetan. Takođe su u trendu lančići poput ovog što nosim. I njeg sam dobila od ZAFUL-A i prije posta sam ga nosila više puta i svima se svidio.

Vjerovatno vas zanima za veličine kod njih. Sve su veličine onakve kakve pišu. Ništa mi nije malo ili veliko. Baš su veličine koje sam i naručila. Tako da je bitno samo da dobro se izmjerite i vidite na njihovoj stranici koja vam veličina godi. Pantole,majicu, naočale i narukvicu sam naručila od Shein-a i time je moj outfit kompletan.

My experience with ZAFUL is very good and I recommend you, if you want to shop online, then ZAFUL is the perfect online shop for you.
You can find more about them on their social medias:

I hope you like my new post and I would be really happy if you write some comments.
Till next time !

Moje iskustvo za ZAFUL-om je veoma dobro i mnogo vam preporučujem, ako želite nešto kupiti, ZAFUL je prava online trgovina za vas.

Nadam se da vam se sviđa moj novi outfit. Obradovala bih se vašim komentarima.
Do idućeg puta !

Photographer (Fotograf) Emina Avdić

Jacket (Jakna) ZAFUL
Necklace (Lančić) ZAFUL
T-Shirt Sold out (Majica Rasprodana) SHEIN
Pants (Pantalone) SHEIN
Bagpack Sold out (Ruksak Rasprodan) ZAFUL
Boots Sold out (Čizme Rasprone) ZAFUL
Sunglasses (Naočale) SHEIN


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