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Showing posts from January, 2018

Last snow

Hello everyone! Did you have a rough week like me? My everday life was to study for the exams and to eat and eat. I'm very exhausted, but I barely found some time to make this post. I had luck and got the perfect time when it was snowing outside. I wanted to wear higheels and one other similar outfit, but I didn't want to get a cold because of it, so I decided on this one. I hope you will like it. It's casual what I like.  Zdravo svima! Da li ste imali tešku sedmicu kao ja? Moj svakodnevni život je bio učenje za ispite i samo jesti i jesti. Baš sam umorna, ali sam našla jedva malo vremena da napravim ovaj post. Sreća mi se nasmiješila i uspjela sam napraviti fotke u pravo vrijeme, i to kada je padao snijeg. Htjela sam obuti štikle i drugi sličan outfit, ali nisam željela dobiti prehladu zbog toga, tako da sam se odlučila za ovaj outfit. Nadam se da vam se sviđa. Kežual je zbog čega mi se još više sviđa.