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Showing posts from 2021

Longing for spring

  '' Spring: a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.'' While I was sitting there on my desk, listening to the rain that slowly announces spring, I was thinking to myself how I miss those warm days outside, with all the blooming flowers. Next to summer, spring is my favorite season. When spring arrives and the flowers go into full bloom, my heart fills with joy and happiness. I'm definitely more happy in summer and spring, than fall and winter. Spring shows us what beauty is after all those cold days, where all flowers and trees die out and disappears. After hard days come better ones. That's the cycle, not only for the seasons, but for us humans in general. Everything happens for a reason. Even those hard days, so we are able to cherish the good ones after. Sometimes it's hard and we can't escape those dark thoughts, but no matter how negative they are, as long as there is hope we will make it through it. Life teaches us a lot of things, ...

Moć sadašnjosti

 Nažalost nisam stigla u prethodnoj godini objaviti ovaj post, ali ono što mogu jeste započeti novu sa novim postom. Bila sam mnogo zauzeta, završavala sam fakultet i zatim imala još obaveza do Nove godine. Kada bi imala priliku da pogodim kako ću započeti novu godinu, onda bi definitivno promašila pogađanje. Neću puno oko detalja, samo ću reći Korona i izolacija. Da, baksuz sam. To me ne tjera da pomislim da će ova godina biti loša, jer je loše započela. Na neki način mi je drago što ću više završiti s tom bolešću, jer ako ćemo realno posmatrati, svi ćemo kad tad dobiti tu bolest. Čak mi nešto godi provesti par sedmica u kući, gdje se mogu posvetiti sebi i svojim hobijima. Naravno lagala bih da kažem da volim biti sama. Poželjela sam već družiti se i viđati s prijateljima, ali ubrzo će doći i to. Zdravlje je najpreče, tako da sve ostalo može pričekati. Nakon mojih postova oko moje nesigurnosti i izgubljenosti, želim da ovaj put o nečemu lijepom pišem. Zaboravila sam kako je lijepo...