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Showing posts from October, 2018

Yolobook Abumi

Dragi moji, Danas vam predstavljam nešto potpuno novo. Inače pišem i reklamiram stranice koje nisu sa našeg govornog područja, međutim javila mi se divna grupa studenata sa divnom idejom. Izrađuju fotografije u obliku slatkog malog albuma. S obzirom da živimo u vremenu gdje imamo albume na mobitelima, tabletima ili laptopima, mnogo ljudi više ne izrađuje fotografije, što je za mene mnogo žalosno. Imala sam tih trenutaka kada mi se slučajno izbrišu slike sa telefona, pa čak i laptopa. To je nešto najgore što se može desiti meni, jer su za mene fotografije uspomene od života kojeg sam do sada prošla i kojeg ću se sa osmijehom prisjećati za nekoliko godina. Već dugo sam planirala izraditi sve fotografije koje su meni važne, ali nikada nisam imala vremena da pregledam sve fotografije i izaberem najljepše. Međutim izdvojila sam svoje vrijeme i izabrala nekoliko fotografija koje sam na stranici uredila i poslala, kako bi mi oni izradili ove divne albume. Oduševili su me toliko...

Forest Fairy tale

''Once upon a time...''  Fairy tales usually start like this and with these words you immediately fall in the upcoming adventures. Do you like fairy tales? I'm such a fan of them, that I started to write my own ones. Maybe if I get the courage I will publish one here someday. Why am I such a fairy tale lover? We live in an really realistic and sometimes cold world without imagination. I'm sad when I see how children know only to play with mobiles, tablets or laptops and can't use imagination like me and other children in the past. Isn't it sad? I remember how much I loved fairy tales and movies which are made based on them and how I tried to dress up like the princesses in the movies. My cousin and me had a daily routine to recreate the fairy tale movies in my room. I have a big smile on my face just thinking about it. Oh yeah, to continue, because the world is now like that, fairy tales are like the escape doors to go trough them and forget about t...


Hello everyone.  I came up with a new outfit and a new theme. My post has the theme ''Gone'' and there is a reason why. My dream was always to travel around the world. But because I'm a student now, this dream is far away in the future, which I really hate. This year though, I got many chances to travel and most of them came true. Next month also, I will go to Czech Republic. My traveling is not the point of the theme, but it's the initiator of it. When I go somewhere else, wherever, another city or country, I get the feeling of running away from my duties and daily tasks. I just let everything be and get lost. It's like I'm just gone and that feeling of being gone is something that I started to love. The main initiator, causing me to love it, is myself, because I can't say no to new things. So I get myself into way too many things at once, which then makes me really stressed out. That's when I get the need to just run away. Have you ever watc...